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Expand Your Sales Toolbox with the

"Retirement Income Shortfall Analysis"

LifePro Guarantee

Expand Your Retirement & Sales Toolbox

What's included in a Customized Report?

The Retirement Income Shortfall Analysis provides your clients with a rating from 1%-100% scoring the probability of success in retirement. Savings accounts are forecasted to show how they'll work together to provide your clients with income and recommendations to enhance the success score.

Here's What You Get:

  • Retirement Success Score
  • Yearly breakdown of account withdrawals
  • Notification system of income shortfall
  • Recommendations to enhance score

Breakdown of

Retirement Risks

Review 4 major risks and their impact on your clients' retirement savings.

Simple, Step-by-Step Process

Walk clients through the recommendations and benefits to implementation.

Protected Income


Highlight 4 recommended sources of income, providing security and consistency.

Account Values and

Cash Flow

Forecast hypothetical values with visually appealing, east to understand graphics.

In addition to the report, you’ll also be given a personal business coach that will walk you step-by-step through the report and make sure you are fully prepared for your client appointment.

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