It is very difficult not to compare our LTC insurance sales efforts to a military struggle. It seems to some of us that the conflicts rage on day after day and a long and protracted war continues to drag on and on. We all know the battles continue and the campaign for the hearts and minds of our citizens is far from over.
More than once we may all have lamented the lack of coordinated marketing and promotional efforts. Why couldn’t all the disparate voices identify with one common cause, one galvanizing theme, and one overriding battle cry? I have long wanted to hear martial drums in the distance, with all the battle weary LTC insurance troops assembling and saluting one unifying concept! For a long, long time, we have needed a unifying banner, a brilliantly colored universal LTC insurance flag planted firmly for all to see.
Three In Four Need More is a new marketing campaign on a mission to enlist the support of all interested LTC insurance parties: agents, general agents and companies. The new campaign is the brain child of Jonas Roeser, LTC Financial Partners, with executive committee help from Mark Goldberg, ACSIA, Long Term Care, Inc., and Margie Barrie, LTCI Consulting Group.
Helping with the campaign launch is an advisory board whose members are some of the most knowledgeable and committed professionals in the LTC insurance industry: Sharon Chace, Broker World; Peter Gelbwaks, Gelbwaks Executive Marketing Group; Ron Hagelman, Republic Marketing Group; Kevin Johnson, New York LTC Brokers; Debra Newman, Newman Long Term Care; Pamela A. Schmidt, The SIA Companies; Mike Skiens, Master Care Solutions, Inc.; Jesse Slome, American Association of Long-Term Care Insurance; Terry Truesdell, National LTC Network; and Daniel Williams, Senior Market Advisor.
On a daily basis we are friends and competitors; however, we have all come together to plant this new flag. The idea began to germinate with an often misquoted statistic from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services which stated that “70 percent (nearly 3 in 4) Americans over age 65 will require some long term care services at some point in their lives” ( The statistic is, however, a little misleading. The problem is that LTC service referred to in the quote included all care—from one day to ten years. Thepotentially catastrophic nature of LTC is real. What is needed is careful consideration of the risk and deliberate planning ahead to meet the challenge. What was therefore needed was a more comprehensive and less threatening approach.
The Prudential 2010 Long Term Care Cost Study provides a much better statistic: “74 percent of consumers age 55 to 65 said they are concerned about needing some kind of care.” The survey also clearly indicated that American consumers know they need to better understand the problem and the options available to solve the problem. Our rallying cry is about education, consumer awareness and financial planning.
The bottom line is that 3 in 4 need more information to make informed decisions. Millions of businesses and many more millions of individual Americans do understand, they are concerned, and they do see the problem looming ahead.
It is my hope that this new martial flag will call many more to service. That all concerned insurance professionals will pause and acknowledge a new banner streaming on a hill. Perhaps we can all recognize a common cause at long last.
This is an all-inclusive call to arms. Help us spread the word. Help us create even greater public awareness. Invite others in the private and public sectors to participate in a better future for all Americans. Enlist today, America’s largest unprotected risk needs you!
Other than that, I have no opinion on the subject.
The 3 in 4 Need More
Campaign Objectives
1. Spread the word among the public that “3 in 4 Need More” and that one should look into long term care insurance as a solution.
2. Support Congressional moves to provide additional tax deductions or rebates to help people better afford long term care insurance.
3. Stimulate others in the industry, education, and government to join the “3 in 4 Need More” campaign, making use of the logo and other visuals to spread the word.
4. Educate the public that long term care insurance may not be a solution for everyone, but everyone needs a long term care plan.
Anyone in our industry—carrier, agency, agent—may join the movement. Concerned individuals as well as representatives of business or associations of all types may also join.
Belonging entitles members to download campaign visuals for use in their own marketing and public relations programs; and to keep informed of campaign progress through Facebook, Twitter and other social media.
Campaign participants are encouraged to use the logo on all items such as emails, websites, letters and brochures.
To join the campaign, visit