Leads While You Sleep: How To Build A Digital Marketing Machine

Digital marketing tactics don’t matter. You need a system. This should work for you day and night to generate traffic, leads, and new customers as long as you keep it running. If you are struggling to do this then you may want to search “marketing agency near me” in order to find a professional service to assist you.

Visualize a funnel. A great marketing system should get people to discover you for the first time.

Next, it should be able to convert those casual visitors into leads who “raise their hand” to ask for more information.

Finally, it should lead those interested leads to reach out to you for a discussion.

This is a high quality marketing system that can help you scale your production through the roof. Often, people will hire SEO Agencies to handle this for them.

Here’s how to build your own.

1) Digital Foundation (your website)
So the first component of the awareness stage that you’ve got to get right is your website.

It is 2019. There are no more excuses for not having a great website.

Does it need to be the most beautiful website in the world? No.

Does it need to clearly show who you are, what you do, and why you are different? Yes.

Do not worry if website design is not your forte as there are plenty of companies out there such as Ram Digital that specialise in Web Design Cannock.

Ultimately, your website should have four main components:

Component 1: Unique value proposition. Right away, your website has to tell me what you do. Not only that, but it better do so in a compelling and unique way. You have about two seconds to make an impression on your visitor. It’s too easy to hit that “back” button.

Use this formula:
What you do + who you do it for + differentiating statement

Example: Financial Advisor for Physicians Who Want to Understand What’s Happening with Their Money

Component 2: Show trust and credibility. Show this in a few ways. Pictures of you and your family or team help a lot. It shows you are a real human being. It also helps to show images of brands you represent, certifications you carry, or awards you’ve won.

Finally, testimonials from smiling clients are a huge help here. Bonus points if you get them on video!

Component 3: Make a clear offer (lead magnet). You need a way to get their contact information. They should be able to find this quickly and easily. Don’t make them hunt for it. (More on this in section 3.)

Component 4: Mobile responsive. If you only remember one point from this article, make it this one. Your website has got to work perfectly on mobile devices. Visitors will bounce away immediately if it isn’t. Also, Google will penalize you and keep you off the first page of the search engine results pages.

I repeat-get this part right. Or you’ll pay for it.

2) Create Traffic and Brand Awareness
There are two main tracks for getting people into the top of your funnel-organic and paid.

Paid traffic comes from, well, paid advertising. This is best done using social media ads. Google Ads (formerly Adwords) has a powerful tool as well, but financial services-related terms are the most expensive keywords on the planet.

Facebook and Instagram ads are still the most cost-effective form of paid advertising. You are able to target an audience by characteristic and location. That makes it possible to create highly targeted ads that resonate and get clicks.

The concept of search engine optimization (SEO) has changed over the years. These days, the long and short of organic traffic comes down to good, quality content. Blogs, for the most part, makes up the bulk of content that drives traffic. There are professional SEO services, like SEO SaaS from Victorious, that help to boost your search rankings and overtake the competition.

Video and audio are also effective mediums for growing organic reach and brand recognition.

You’ve got to have compelling content that is keyword-focused. Please don’t misunderstand. That doesn’t mean it should be chock full of the same phrase over and over. But it should be focused around the keyword or phrase you want to rank for in Google.

My recommendation is to publish a written blog post at least once per week. Then, make sure to do that every single week. That is a pace just about anyone can sustain and will keep you top-of-mind to your prospects. Write about industry news. Write about company updates. Write about best practices that would help your target audience. Just write. Bonus points if people share it on social media.

Social Media
Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin are the heavy hitters. Before you say, “My market doesn’t use social media…” You are wrong. Yes they do. There are more than 2 billion people on these platforms.

Facebook is the best platform for older demographics.

Instagram is very popular for anyone under 40 (and it is quickly getting older).

LinkedIn is king for professionals.

There are three simple rules to live by on social media. Follow these and you are safe:

Rule #1: Be intentional. There is no difference between personal and professional social media use anymore. You may feel a little uncomfortable with that. It’s Ok, I’ll give you time to cope.

Over that yet? Good.

Everything you put on the internet can and will affect your business either positively or negatively. Post about religion and politics at your own risk.

Rule #2: Be consistent. I recommend you post at least once per day. I also recommend you spend at least five minutes per day on social media as a consumer. Like five posts and leave five thoughtful comments.

You’ll be amazed at the good will that creates.

Rule #3: Be relevant. Make sure the content you share is relevant to your target audience and your customers. You should know what is important to these people. Find and share content that would interest them. Make sure to add your own take on it. Include your own comments about it when you share.

3) Convert Visitors into Leads
How can you capitalize on attention and traffic? Use landing pages that offer free value in exchange for contact information. This is sometimes called a “lead magnet.” This is technically a component of your website, but it deserves its own section. While the page design itself ought to be great, the offer is the most important component. The offer and form questions must be an equal value exchange.

For example, asking someone to sign up for your blog notifications might be worth their email address. It is a low value offer in exchange for just a little information.

If you want their first name, last name, company name, number of employees, annual revenue, and favorite pet, then you better be giving them something of tremendous value. For instance, this would be an equal value “trade” if the free content is a long-form asset like a white paper, e-book, or free video training.

4) Nurture Leads into Ready-to-Buy Prospects
It is not likely that a visitor will be ready to book a meeting with you right after becoming a lead. For those new leads, they enter into a lead nurturing stage. The primary “weapon” we use for this is email marketing. And no, your monthly newsletter is not enough to turn those semi-interested leads into hot prospects.

How do you decide what kind of content to include? Here’s a three-step process:

Step 1: Diagram the planning process you go through with each client.
Write this out on a whiteboard or in a notebook if you don’t already have it documented. This should clearly outline every step you take in providing top-notch service. Once listed, define each step in as much detail as you would to a client or prospect.

Step 2: Write one email about each step in the process.
When you have about 500 words for each step in your process, add it to a marketing automation tool like MailChimp or Hubspot. The design of these emails should be simple, concise, and text-based. Fancy images and large logos just scream “marketing.”

Set it up to send at 5 day intervals starting from the time they first sign up.

Step 3: Include a Call-to-Action (CTA).
In each email, include only one action for them to take. That means only one link in the entire email. That link should send them straight to a landing page where they can schedule a call with you. The more choices you give someone, the more likely they are to do nothing.

Bonus Step: Use a calendar scheduling tool.
Using a tool like Calendly.com or Acuity Scheduling will make it that much easier for prospects to schedule calls with you. Connect your Google, iCal, or Outlook calendar so that only open times are available.

Email marketing and lead nurturing get prospects to a point where they’re interested and are contemplating a buying decision. We’ve got to be top-of-mind when that happens.

Putting It All Together
There you have it-a complete marketing system from end-to-end. The best part about it is that most of what I described can be created upfront and then automated. Keep creating new content at the top of the funnel and the middle and bottom are completely automated.

So get this built and start generating leads using this complete system.

For a complete video breakdown of everything listed here, plus bonus walk-throughs of all the technology mentioned, go to ReadeMilner.com/BrokerWorld.

The Well Read Marketer, LLC

Reade Milner is founder and chief marketing strategist for Rogue Pine Creative, a digital marketing agency based in metro Atlanta, Georgia.

During the course of his 10+ years in digital marketing, he has generated millions of views, leading to thousands of leads, leading to hundreds of clients, leading to millions in revenue.
To learn more about Milner and his agency, visit www.RoguePineCreative.com where you can sign up his weekly newsletter.

Milner can be reached at Rogue Pine Creative, 75 N Broad St., Winder, GA 30680. Telephone: (678) 863-0982. Email: [email protected].