Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Home Authors Posts by David J. Murphy

David J. Murphy

CLU, ChFC, FLMI, is a director, vice president, team leader, speaker and mentor for Global Leadership Partners. For nearly four decades Murphy worked in the financial services industry, and has held positions in sales, marketing, product development, training and development, distribution, agency management, and recruiting. In his latest role he was responsible for managing National Account relationships. In this role he shared business leadership and practice management concepts with business owners, marketing organizations and independent financial professionals. He is a frequent contributor to industry trade journals and a keynote speaker at industry events. After 37 wonderful years in financial services, it was time for Murphy to give back, to share with others the training, development and experiences he enjoyed by God’s grace, and encourage others who are just starting out or seeking to grow. Global Leadership Partners identifies, equips and sends business leaders to speak at leadership seminars in partnership with organizations primarily in Eastern Europe, but eventually, around the world. The intent is to foster development of foreign leaders who will courageously stand for strong values and a high ethical standard. This work is based on the belief that the world will be a better place when filled with leaders who lead according to proven values and bedrock principles. Murphy is a frequent contributor to industry trade journals and is available as a keynote speaker for life insurance industry meetings and training events. He can be reached by telephone at: 312-859-3064. Email: murpd191@gmail.com. Twitter: https://twitter.com/InLifeOnPurpose.

Process Means History

The basic processes of human life include growth, differentiation, respiration, digestion, organization, metabolism, responsiveness, movements, and reproduction. All of these processes are interrelated. These processes continue for as long as the human being lives.

The financial services industry operates on the principle that human life is never static, fixed, or inflexible. The financial plan that a client establishes is the foundation of an iterative process that requires monitoring, evaluating, and adjusting as life changes over time.

Michelle Singletary is a reporter for the Washington Post. She specifically writes about personal finance matters. Recently Ms. Singletary recorded this family memory:

“On one family vacation to the beach, my sister slipped in a few feet of water. She had trouble standing and began screaming for help, fearing she might drown.

‘Just stand up,’ I yelled.

The water was literally just above her knees, but she couldn’t regain her balance because, as a non-swimmer, she felt helpless. By the time I reached her, she was hysterical.

She was never at risk of drowning. But it didn’t feel like that to her.”1

This story reflects two totally distinct viewpoints held by two different people at the exact same time, with two completely diverse experiences. Time is a key part of being alive. Time and history flow together. And yet, individual people sharing the same moments can still have widely divergent perspectives.

Consider the times we are living in. In this crazy period of human history independent financial professionals (IFPs) are attempting to guide all their individual and distinct clients. What are the characteristics that define these financial times?

  • Geopolitical events. The war in Ukraine, tensions with China, etc.
  • Supply chain disruption. COVID-related disruptions continue.
  • Bank failures. Recent failures of California-based Silicon Valley Bank and New York-based Signature Bank.
  • High inflation. In 2022, the average inflation rate (using CPI data) was 8.0 percent.2
  • Higher interest rates. To beat back inflation the Federal Reserve adjusted the federal funds target rate by five percent from March 2022 to May 2023.3
  • Stock Market volatility. The S&P was down 19.4 percent for 2022.4

Not all clients act sanely, responsibly, or pragmatically in these harried times.
Michelle Singletary reminisces about the iconic scene in the Frank Capra classic, It’s a Wonderful Life, when desperate folks made a run on the Bailey Bros. Building & Loan. She urges us to recall what George Bailey says to the bank customers crowded at the counter:

“Now, just remember that this thing isn’t as black as it appears.”

Singletary: “It’s not useful to tell folks not to panic when they fear their money is at risk. Much as it was with my sister, it’s hard to stay calm if you’ve lost your financial balance and worry you can’t stand up.”

Point: The period of history we are living in is rife with challenges for IFPs working diligently to guide their many and varied clients, especially when some of these clients feel they are losing their footing.

Process Means History
It is in the vicissitudinous stream of history that people have always found themselves. To successfully navigate their times and circumstances, people look for available and reliable solutions, safe harbors, and dependable processes.

History means process.

Conversely, as John Murray wrote in his Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, “Process means history.”5

Process is defined as “Something going on; a series of actions or operations conducing to an end; phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result.”6
In other words, a process takes place in time. In history. It was appointed for us to live now, in this time period, and the convergence of events and forces that we experience day-by-day require a meaningful and dynamic process for handling our whole lives, including our financial affairs.

Process Meets Principle
Process, to be fruitful, must be built on proven practices and principles. To achieve financial goals of security and sustainability, people have long followed these simple practices:

  • Budgeting
  • Saving
  • Retirement planning
  • Investing
  • Insurance

In addition, successful achievement of financial goals is accomplished by adhering to time tested financial principles, such as these:

  1. Spend less than you earn.
  2. Pay yourself first by setting aside savings.
  3. Make proper use of tax deferral and tax-free opportunities.
  4. Maintain an emergency fund.
  5. Diversify the allocations of investable assets.
  6. Hold onto investments for the long term.

Point: Financial planning is a long-term process. Strategic goal setting, relying on timeless principles, and avoiding impulsive decisions are essential to a holistic approach to managing financial affairs. The elements of proper financial planning are as well-known as are the principles undergirding achievement of financial objectives.

Question: Then why do so many people fail to reach financial success?
Answer: Lack of leadership and coaching. Fundamentally, clients need someone to hold them accountable.

There are many reasons why people should solicit the assistance of an IFP, but none more important than the role of accountability. Clients need an IFP to look over their shoulders in order for them to act responsibly under changing circumstances.

When acting on their fears, clients will inevitably make their financial lives worse.

IFPs are Leaders
The IFP who maintains continuous close client contact will keep them mindful of their top financial goals. The IFP urges stubborn adherence to these goals when clients waffle and wiggle under overwhelmingly difficult financial news.

“One of the best paradoxes of leadership is a leader’s need to be both stubborn and open-minded. A leader must insist on sticking to the vision and stay on course to the destination. But a leader must be open-minded during the process.”—Simon Sinek

Notice, however, that in addition to staying focused on the original vision, the IFP is also the person skilled enough to know how to adjust the process by which the goals are to be achieved.

Leadership Is Needed When Stuff Happens
“Most people don’t like change. They revolt against it unless they can clearly see the advantage it brings. For that reason, when good leaders prepare to take action or make changes, they take people through a process to get them ready for it.”—John C. Maxwell

Clients live within the sweep of human history, and they also have their own individual and family stories. Like all stories, there are good and also difficult things that happen. The reality is that every story involves change. That is when the IFP is most needed. When changes occur in the client’s situation or in the economic, political, or regulatory environment, a very present and involved IFP is able to help the client to:

  • Understand how the change(s) will impact financial goals.
  • Develop emotional intelligence to accept new realities.
  • Grasp the importance of making needed adjustments.
  • Appreciate the urgency and take the actions that these important matters deserve.
  • Take fresh stock of their income, expenses, and debt.
  • Consolidate debt.
  • Make modifications to current lifestyle in order to achieve a desired long-term lifestyle.
  • Readjust asset allocations in light of changing risk-reward relationships.
  • Confidently stay the course with certain investments and strategies, while steering away from others that once made sense but no longer do.

Point: Because history unfolds like a sheet in the wind—haphazard, and unpredictable—clients often have to make difficult decisions. Remember that in the movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, poor George Bailey had to use his honeymoon money to keep the savings and loan open. In these moments, there is great comfort in the helpful advice of an IFP.

The writer E.B. White noted the following: “The only sense that is common in the long run is the sense of change and we all instinctively avoid it.”

Independent financial professionals know that financial planning is a process, and process means history. Every client makes financial decisions in stages, through various phases of their lives, and these decisions require revisiting.

Since clients run the risk of acting wrongly out of fear, or acting too late because of indecision, they benefit greatly from the accountability and objectivity of a thoughtful IFP.

Sometimes we just need to hear another person tell us to “Just stand up.”

If you are an independent financial professional, will you be there when your client needs you to speak those words?


  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/03/15/money-anxiety-financial-news/.
  2. https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/current-inflation-rates/.
  3. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/investing/fed-funds-rate-history/.
  4. https://money.usnews.com/investing/stock-market-news/will-the-stock-market-crash-again-risk-factors-to-watch.
  5. “The Epistle to the Romans,” by John Murray, Westminster Seminary Press, December 2022, ISBN: 9781955859035.
  6. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/process.

Novel Financial Ideas


“Good fiction creates empathy. A novel takes you somewhere and asks you to look through the eyes of another person, to live another life.”1 —Barbara Kingsolver

Over the years I have heard many people cite the fact that the Bible frequently talks about money. Depending on the translation you use, there are as many as 2300 verses that reference money, wealth, or possessions. You may be familiar with some of these:

  • “The borrower is a slave to the lender.” Proverbs 22:7
  • “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.”1 Timothy 6:10
  • “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35

The Bible of course is literature. It turns out, money is a vast topic in many forms of literature (second only to love, perhaps).

There would not be literature without people, nor would there be money.
To succeed in the financial services business, a business about money, we must first understand people. To understand people, we must collect stories about them. Humans are not predictable and determinative like algebraic equations. Human lives display “narrativeness.”

To apply knowledge about the human experience we need both to read about people in the form of stories, and also share what we learn from those stories.

Question: Are you reading fiction, whether short stories or novels? Are you gathering stories to help you better understand your clients?

Gaining Financial Education through Fiction
I came across an intriguing paragraph while reading articles posted on Knowledge@Wharton, an online business journal of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

“When you read a great novel and engage with its characters, you sense from within what it is like to be someone else. You see the world from the perspective of a different social class, gender, religion, culture, sexual orientation, moral understanding, or other features that define and differentiate human experience. By living a character’s life vicariously, you not only feel what she feels, but also reflect on those feelings, consider the nature of the actions to which they lead and, with practice, acquire the wisdom to appreciate actual people in all their complexity.”2

Fiction, when well-written, helps us to understand real people by first seeing the world through the experience of fictional characters. Such insights are as necessary in financial services as in any discipline. If we are not equipped to understand what motivates people, how can we possibly grasp their limitations, clearly see their problems, or recommend appropriate solutions? People do not always act rationally or, seemingly, even in their own self-interest.

This is the point Barbara Kingsolver made. Empathy is necessary to successfully build a trusting clientele.

Sometimes we need empathy to understand the collective actions of an entire people. (Macro.) Usually, we need empathy to better understand the individual people we meet. (Micro.)

Macro View
Consider the Brexit vote. People on that occasion seemingly voted against their own economic self-interest. This could have been foreseen by economists who were familiar with Dostoevsky’s Notes from Underground, in which he astutely observes that human beings will sometimes willingly act against their self-interest precisely to demonstrate their unpredictability.

“To care only for well-being seems to me positively ill-bred. Whether it is good or bad, it is sometimes very pleasant, too, to smash things.”3

Micro View
First Example: Edith Wharton was born Edith Newbold Jones on January 24, 1862. As a novelist and author of short stories, she “drew upon her insider’s knowledge of the upper-class New York aristocracy to realistically portray the lives and morals of the Gilded Age.”4 The expression, “Keeping up with the Joneses,” is said to refer to her father’s family. Wharton was the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize in Literature, for her novel The Age of Innocence. Her novel The Custom of The Country provides insight into a behavior still common today. Insatiable greed.

The novel’s subject is Undine Spragg, a beautiful, vain, spoiled, ambitious, and selfish woman. Undine feels entitled to live a luxurious lifestyle and she intends to live it to the fullest. Her indulgent overspending leads to marital stress and financial strain.

“She had everything she wanted, but she still felt, at times, that there were other things she might want if she knew about them.”5

Second example: Honoré de Balzac wrote a series of some 90 novels and novellas collectively known as The Human Comedy. The books that made up the series were published between 1829 and 1847. Eugénie Grandet is one such novel first published in 1833. The novel is a provocative, entertaining, moral tale about avarice and stinginess that remains astonishingly relevant.

Honoré de Balzac was no stranger to the tyranny of money. He studied law and philosophy but to his family’s dismay (some things never change) he settled on a literary career, in which he was not initially successful. He failed in his publishing and business ventures and landed in debt. He wrote at a feverish pitch, fueled by gallons of coffee, and an urge to be financially successful.

In Eugénie Grandet we meet Felix Grandet, a master cooper, who married the daughter of a wealthy timber merchant. This took place when the French Republic had confiscated the lands owned by the Catholic Church. Felix Grandet auctioned his wife’s dowry in order to buy substantial property. At this time, his only daughter, Eugénie, was ten years old. Soon more wealth fell into Grandet’s lap by way of inheritance of the estates of his mother-in-law, grandfather-in-law, and grandmother.

With all this wealth, he was an unhappy miser. No one but his banker was invited into the house. Wealth made him powerful, but not generous.

“The miser does not believe in a life to come; the present is everything for him.”

Other novels explore similar important financial lessons:

  • “Money doesn’t buy happiness.” Read more about the depth of this truth in The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
  • “You cannot count on an inheritance.” This is graphically depicted in The Nest, by Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney.
  • “Only fools treat their money with childish contempt.” This, and other valuable lessons are learned from reading , by J.D. Salinger.
  • “Spend within your means, or misery will ensue.” Like the reality of this experience, this subtle lesson is discovered in Gustave Flauebert’s Madame Bovary.

Fairy Tale and Fable View
Aesop’s Fables are so prized as a source of proper moral and practical education (including financial education) that the entire collection is available free on a website hosted by the Library of Congress.6 Consider The Miser and His Gold:

“A Miser had buried his gold in a secret place in his garden. Every day he went to the spot, dug up the treasure and counted it piece by piece to make sure it was all there. He made so many trips that a Thief, who had been observing him, guessed what it was the Miser had hidden, and one night quietly dug up the treasure and made off with it.”

The Miser valued the gold so much that he continually wrapped his arms around it and whispered his affections for it. His world revolved around it.

“When the Miser discovered his loss, he was overcome with grief and despair. He groaned and cried and tore his hair.

A passerby heard his cries and asked what had happened.

‘My gold! O my gold!’ cried the Miser, wildly, ‘someone has robbed me!’

‘Your gold! There in that hole? Why did you put it there? Why did you not keep it in the house where you could easily get it when you had to buy things?’

‘Buy!’ screamed the Miser angrily. ‘Why, I never touched the gold. I couldn’t think of spending any of it.’

The stranger picked up a large stone and threw it into the hole.

‘If that is the case,’ he said, ‘cover up that stone. It is worth just as much to you as the treasure you lost!’”

The Moral: “A possession is worth no more than the use we make of it.” In other words, wealth for the sake of itself—merely for bragging rights—is worthless.

Aphorisms and Maxims
The writings of Benjamin Franklin (under the pseudonym Poor Richard) often tackled topics of money and business. Entitled Poor Richard’s Almanack, this collection contains many truths that are simple to use when instructing clients.


  • “Rather go to bed supperless than rise in debt.” Franklin had a great disdain for being in debt. In those days, if you were in debt, the whole town knew it. He would rather be hungry than owe money.
  • “Tis easier to suppress the first desire than to satisfy all that follow it.” Franklin compared “Wants vs. Needs.” Fighting the urge to spend money makes it easier to suppress future desires to spend.
  • “For age and want, save while you may; No morning sun lasts a whole day.” There is no time like the present to begin saving for old age and times of need.
  • “Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.” Franklin knew that little things add up. Spending just $1.50 per day, five days a week, for fifty-two weeks = $360!

A successful independent financial professional is someone who seeks to understand people. To gain this understanding requires reading stories, nourishing empathy, and listening closely to the client. None of us will live long enough to gain the wisdom that humanity collectively has accumulated. This collective wisdom is found in novels, short stories, fables, and aphorisms.

Clients deserve the wisest advice we can give. That wise advice is readily available—if only we will read.


  1. https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/novel-quotes.
  2. https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/could-a-bit-of-tolstoy-and-austen-improve-economic-forecasting/.
  3. Notes from Underground, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Vintage; Reprint edition (August 30, 1994).
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edith_Wharton.
  5. The Custom of the Country, Edith Wharton, page 362, Bantam Classics; Later Printing edition (May 1, 1991).
  6. http://read.gov/aesop/112.html.

Up, Down, And Sideways

“People put limitations on their creativity, believing they have to rely on what they know and what they have done.” —Bertrand Piccard

I once had the opportunity to meet Bertrand Piccard, an explorer and a genuine hero. My company contracted with him to speak at our annual general agent’s conference.

“On March 21, 1999, Swiss psychiatrist Bertrand Piccard and English balloon instructor Brian Jones became the first team to fly around the world by balloon, nonstop and without refueling, setting records for distance and duration, and winning a million-dollar purse staked by Anheuser-Busch. The three-week adventure, beginning in Switzerland and ending in Egypt, was an accomplishment in the history of exploration. Using new balloon designs and taking advantage of jet-stream developments, the team ended a 20-year quest and set a new milestone in the 200-year history of ballooning.”1

Steering A Hot Air Balloon
In September, 2022, my wife Di and I traveled with our friends Chuck and Valerie to wine country. We toured California’s Napa and Sonoma Valleys for several days, tasted amazing fruits of the vine in multiple family-owned vineyards, and enjoyed magnificent sights like Muir Woods. We also took a hot air balloon ride!

The four of us, unlike Bertrand Piccard, were not aiming to make history or become famous explorers by circumnavigating the world. We were only looking to spend a peaceful hour or so floating quietly above beautiful vineyards.

On the first morning of our trip we got up before dawn and joined a small group of people piling into vans and heading out for an enjoyable hot air balloon excursion. Hot air balloons are extremely safe. (The most dangerous risk is if a fire develops in the basket due to a leak in the balloon’s gas fuel system, causing the balloon to deflate mid-air and crash to the ground. Not to worry. Hardly ever happens.)

A hot air balloon has no means of propulsion. The balloon basket can carry as few as two or as many as 24 passengers and is made of reinforced steel frames wrapped in woven wicker that is sufficiently light, strong, and durable. The balloon is simply an envelope made of strong, light nylon with a mouth opening at one end. The basket is attached to the bottom of the envelope by extremely strong metal cables. As aircraft, balloons gain lift by heating their large, contained envelope of air to a temperature above the ambient air temperature. Typically, the air inside the envelope will be heated to 198-212 degrees Fahrenheit, much warmer than the outside air.

The burner is attached to a metal frame situated above the basket under the mouth of the envelope. The pilot controls a small valve in order to fire the burner which aims the flame into the mouth of the balloon to heat the air inside. The warmer, less dense air rises, and the result is a lifting of the payload consisting of the basket, fuel tanks and passengers.

Other than ascending or descending, the balloon is stationary in the air. The balloon’s ground speed is exactly equal to wind speed. Airspeed is zero. As a consequence, the balloon provides a smooth ride with no vibration and no wind noise.

To steer a hot air balloon the pilot controls the ascent and descent in order to use the wind direction and wind speed at different heights. Balloon navigation and flight planning depend on four data groupings:

  1. Pre-flight weather conditions and wind direction.
  2. Wind direction observed at the take-off point.
  3. Surface wind direction while in flight.
  4. Wind speeds and directions at various altitudes.

Hot air balloon teams have multiple locations for taking off and landing and usually all within about ten square miles. Within normal wind speeds and directions, they can generally give passengers an enjoyable ride.

Wind is created by differences in pressure and changes in temperature, which in turn are generated by the sun warming up the surface of the earth. In the period of early morning to midday the wind will be constantly changing.

A hot air balloon is subject to the downward force of gravity which is constant. Against the force of gravity, the pilot can direct the balloon’s movement by increasing the amount of hot air released, and thereby increasing its buoyancy and causing the balloon to rise.

For all the rising, and descending, firing of the burners, using the vents to turn the balloon on its axis, the whole aircraft will travel at altitudes between 1,000 to 3,000 feet and usually move at a mind-blowing rate of three to eight MPH measured in ground speed.

Point: There are a small set of factors that dictate the pilot’s ability to take balloon passengers up from one location and safely down to another:

  • Gravity
  • Ambient air temperature
  • Visibility
  • Wind speed at various altitudes
  • Wind direction at various altitudes
  • Precipitation

Financial Planning Is Like Ballooning while Sitting in Your Chair
Individual financial success is directly related to how well one conducts financial affairs within the context of the underlying economic environment. As financial beings, we climb, descend, skip, go around, and pick our way through a series of decisions and emergencies.

Although our financial lives can proceed predictably and without much attention, a combination of variables like stock market uncertainty, rising interest rates, and a persistent rate of inflation can play havoc with the assumptions underlying our financial objectives.

Do any of these dates give you a twitch?
Monday, October 19, 1987. (The S&P 500 fell by 20.5 percent and the Dow fell by 22.6 percent)
Friday, April 14, 2000. (The Nasdaq index fell by nearly 10 percent)
Monday, March 16, 2020. (The largest single-day point decline—2,997 points—for the Dow)
January to June 2022. “The price of regular motor gasoline rose 49 percent and the price of diesel fuel rose slightly more at 55 percent.”2
May to June 2022. Consumer prices soared 9.1 percent compared with a year earlier.3 (On a monthly basis, prices rose 1.3 percent after prices had just jumped one percent from April to May.)
March 15, 2022, to March 21, 2023. Federal Reserve officials lifted their key benchmark borrowing cost nine times. In just a year’s span, officials hiked interest rates by 4.75 percentage points.4
Point: What looks like a normal day (smooth and quiet) in our financial life can just as easily be the day the bottom falls out.

Up, Down, and Sideways
The typical client will react to sudden financial changes using the same techniques they have always deployed. As Bertrand Piccard said, this places unnecessary restrictions on their creativity.

What tools can an independent financial professional (IFP) use to pilot clients through the more challenging winds of financial change?

  • Clients can fight inflation by increasing their income. Retired people can take greater withdrawals. Employed clients can consider interviewing for higher paying positions while unemployment is low.
  • Clients might consider turning cash (immediately impacted by inflation) into long-term investments (where growth is possible).
  • Clients should postpone major purchases.
  • Clients should consider converting credit card debt to fixed-rate loans.
  • Clients can improve their resistance to inflation over time by owning cars rather than leasing them.
  • Clients should take full advantage of coupons, savings, deals, and discounts.

Rising Interest Rates:

  • Clients can best take advantage of rising interest rates by moving money that is currently sitting in savings accounts and checking accounts into more competitive interest rate bearing accounts to earn the most interest possible.
  • Clients can consider investing in bonds to add more diversification to their portfolio and help their money accrue better returns when interest rates rise.
  • Clients should consider refinancing, or paying off, any variable rate loans before rates go higher.
  • Clients should invest in financial service companies. Banks and brokerage firms earn money from interest. When interest rates rise, their margins and profits rise.

Stock Market Volatility:

  • Clients can increase their agility and sustainability by strengthening their emergency fund. The investor who panics during market downturns typically did not set aside money for the short term. Clients should have enough money to cover at least three to six months’ worth of expenses in a liquid account in case of an emergency.
  • Clients should utilize rebalancing as a way to ensure that their asset allocation still aligns with their risk tolerance and time horizon.
  • Clients should begin or strengthen their use of dollar-cost averaging and avoid the temptation to time the market. Dollar-cost averaging assures that the client’s money is invested on the market’s very best days.

As an independent financial professional you are not trying to send clients on a rocket ship to Mars. You are not calculating planetary orbits in order for your clients to travel 140 million miles into deep space. Their goals do not include making history or going where no woman has gone before. Your role is to help clients adjust to economic conditions, find favorable financial winds, gain greater heights, make measured progress, and to do so smoothly and with minimal distress.

Like a hot air balloon pilot.

Bertrand Piccard:
“Before achieving a dream, you need to make very little steps… People don’t understand that when you want to make a big dream you have a lot of fastidious little things you have to do.”5


  1. https://www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/circumnavigation-earth-balloon.
  2. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, https://www.bts.gov/data-spotlight/record-breaking-increases-motor-fuel-prices-2022.
  3. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/economy/u-s-inflation-at-9-1-percent-a-record-high.
  4. https://www.bankrate.com/banking/federal-reserve/history-of-federal-funds-rate/.
  5. “Around the World in 20 Days : The Story of Our History-Making Balloon Flight,” by Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones, Wiley; 1st edition (October 11, 1999), ISBN-10: 0471378208.

Why Bother?

A good friend of mine has suffered through brain cancer, kidney cancer and then lung cancer. Mike wrote a book1 about his experience with the medical community. He details the well-meaning but often maddening comments made by friends and family, and the mystifying variety of tests, treatments, and indignities.

My favorite quotes:
“Health to non-health can be a fast trip.”

“I understood what I have seen in other cancer patients: True and deep gratitude for the help and support of everyone, and complete impatience with those same people.”
“I really do not want to spend emotion arguing about it. You are taking all the fun out of having cancer.”

“For the sake of all who do not approve of my diet, let me say for the record: Sugar feeds cancer. I hope everyone is happy now.”

“The less education a person had, the more likely it was for that person to give me bad advice and then follow up with insistence.”

Mike’s honesty reveals how inept people can be when interacting with someone who is truly suffering. In Independent Financial Services we encounter people experiencing all varieties of medical problems, financial strains, and even legal issues. It is vital that we check our own agendas, mute our own opinions, and not seek to make ourselves the heroes of the suffering person’s story. They are the heroes. Their emotions are real, and their needs are primary.

Mike’s experience helped me to grow in my ability to lend proper support to people who are suffering.
Point: One of the hardest things to do is enter into another person’s pain and sorrow without being a nuisance or adding awkwardness to an already hard situation.

Why Bother
Another of my favorite quotes from Mike’s book: “I have other complaints, but I am saving them for another day.”

I have been in the life insurance industry for four decades. Over that time period I have accumulated multiple complaints. Expecting to have time in the future to share more, I will present only a handful now.

Complaint #1: If you register for a seminar or webinar, show up! People who host these events take them seriously. They prepare, practice, secure Compliance approval, and make sure they execute the event professionally. If you don’t attend after registering, you have insulted the host. If you cannot commit to attend, don’t register. Why bother?

“People are way too quick to make commitments and too quick to abandon them.”2

Complaint #2: If someone recommends that you sell a product, but you do not understand how it works, don’t recommend it! There may be instances where the blind can lead the blind, but life insurance purchased with high expectations and funded with precious money is not the appropriate time! Why should a client trust your recommendation if you do not yourself know how it works? It is hard enough to sell what you know. How much harder to sell that which is mysterious to yourself! Why bother?

“Details matter. They create depth, and depth creates authenticity.”3

Complaint #3: A significant number of life insurance applications are submitted but a paid policy never results because the cases are either closed, withdrawn, or returned not taken. If it is deemed worthwhile to take an application, it ought to be worth any efforts necessary to gather all outstanding signatures and requirements. No responsible mechanic repairs only most of the car. No successful builder erects only some of the roof. How futile to ask Underwriting and New Business to expend energy setting up a case that will not be completed. Why bother?

“The art of following through is something that allows you to create the life that you actually want instead of settling for the life you currently have.”4

Complaint #4: Many Independent Financial Professionals (IFPs) pride themselves on service. They make sure the client knows to expect annual reviews, clear and frequent communication, and 24/7 access. Yet, some of these very professionals write life insurance, disability income, or long term care policies that they never personally deliver. The most important task in securing coverage for a client is making sure that they understand it, know where to keep it, and to get reminded why they bought it. If the client was present when you wrote it, be present with the client when you deliver it. Otherwise, why bother?

“There are two fatal errors that keep great projects from coming to life:
1) Not finishing
2) Not starting”

Complaint #5: The hardest part of insurance sales, and financial services in general, is helping clients identify sources of funds to contribute to new products or investments. Too many IFPs choose to replace coverage rather than increase coverage or try to convince the client to re-direct contributions from one investment to another. The easy thing to do is point out what is not perfect about what someone already owns. The client ends up having paid expenses and fees for products that did not have the lifespan these costs anticipated. If a recommendation is truly worthwhile, take the extra effort to find new funding sources. If the result is simply replacement or redirection of funds, why bother?

“To find fault is easy; to do better may be difficult.”6

Complaint #6: In Independent Distribution we get caught up in exactly what independence means. “Independent” must mean objective and untethered. It is a term intended to contrast with “captive.” What it should not be interpreted to mean is “unlimited” or “all-inclusive.” Yet, throughout the financial services industry, distributors often seek universal contracts to cover all major products and carriers, all in the name of independence. The fear is, if a product is competitive, and another financial professional might offer it to a client, then every self-respecting IFP should have the same carrier contracts and access to the same products. The unfortunate outcome of this kind of defensive thinking is overbroad carrier and product representation that far exceeds one’s ability to truly understand, master, and present with authority a huge number of offerings. Even worse, dilution of limited production results in very little leverage enjoyed by close relationships. It is possible to have most of the “best” carriers and products in the toolkit and know next to nothing about them; and worse, have no relational capital to draw on if necessity demands it. Why bother?

“Play within your means. Don’t overextend yourself because someone else has something that you think that you need at that time.”7

Complaint #7: (My all-time biggest complaint!) When in the presence of a client, company representative, associate, or prospect, be present. Do not allow interruptions. Put your phone away. Close the door. Hold your calls. Otherwise, why bother?

Leo Tolstoy considered these three most important questions:

  1. What is the right time for every action?
  2. Who are the most necessary people?
  3. How might we know what is the most important thing to do?

His answer:

“Remember then: There is only one time that is important—Now! It is the most important time because it is the only time when we have any power. The most necessary man is he with whom you are, for no man knows whether he will ever have dealings with anyone else: and the most important affair is, to do him good, because for that purpose alone was man sent into this life!”8

Independent Financial Services is a human activity involving one person entering another person’s life with the hopes of making a positive difference. For the most part, IFPs are successful in contributing to the betterment of others. The unwise IFP will enter into another person’s hard circumstance wielding uninvited opinions and pursuing an unwanted agenda. And sometimes, just as easily, an IFP can prove inattentive, unprepared, and unwilling to put in the work or see the tasks all the way through to completion.

The most professional IFPs employ a compass with these four compass points:

  • Respect
  • Preparedness
  • Knowledge
  • Selflessness


  • Show up and be present, on time and attentive.
  • Know what you represent and own it personally if possible.
  • Every step taken on behalf of a client should be seen through to completion.
  • In everything add value and avoid the temptation to disrupt the work of previous advisors.
  • Develop meaningful, helpful relationships with product manufacturers that can be used to negotiate necessary improvements for clients.

My friend Mike observed that in certain instances, the people attending to him treated him as more than a patient, beyond just a person merely taking up space in the doctor’s office or hospital bed.

“They seemed genuinely concerned about me beyond their professional obligation to be concerned.”9

This is my prayer for all IFPs. That each and every one would act toward their clients beyond their professional obligation to be concerned.


  1. “It’s Not as Easy as It Looks,” Michael Bowling, http://www.westbowpress.com/Bookstore/BookDetail.aspx?BookId=SKU-001129474.
  2. “The Path to a Meaningful Life,” Frank Sonnenberg, Published June 5, 2022, ISBN 9798412082530.
  3. Neil Blumenthal, a co-founder and co-CEO of Warby Parker.
  4. “Finish What You Start: The Art of Following Through, Taking Action, Executing, & Self-Discipline,” Peter Hollins, PH Learning Inc. (March 17, 2018).
  5. Buddha Gautama.
  6. Plutarch.
  7. Andy Latimer, https://medium.com/authority-magazine/andy-latimer-play-within-your-means-dont-overextend-yourself-and-understand-cash-flow-15e5fefd540d.
  8. “What Men Live by and Other Tales,” Leo Tolstoy.
  9. “It’s Not as Easy as It Looks,” Michael Bowling.

Recipes For Financial Success

“There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning, and yearning.”
—Christopher Morley

Bread is a common food source throughout the world and has been a staple of human diets throughout the ages. It comes in multifarious shapes, sizes, and flavors. I enjoy all kinds of bread and delight in any meal that includes a Bagel, Baguette, Boule, Breadstick, Brioche, Ciabatta or Focaccia. I like a chewy crust, an open crumb, and a moderately soft interior. I am addicted to Panera’s Asiago Cheese bagels!

The dictionary definition of bread is “a usually baked and leavened food made of a mixture whose basic constituent is flour or meal.”1

What amazes me about bread is that all its various forms are made from roughly the exact same stuff.

“The basic ingredients in bread are flour, liquid (usually water, milk, or fruit juice), salt, shortening and sweeteners. Each performs a specific task.”2

Bread Ingredients
Each of the building blocks of a great bread are essential and serve a specific function:

  • Flour: Provides the principal dough component and gives the bread the unique flavor of the grain used.
  • Liquid: Causes the bread to release the gluten in the flour protein, thereby stretching the dough and making it resilient.
  • Yeast: Adds flavor, but importantly, yeast leavens (lightens) the dough, and stimulates rising by forming carbon dioxide gas bubbles as it ferments.
  • Salt: Controls the rising action of the yeast and also enhances the flavor.
  • Shortening: makes the bread tender and enhances freshness.
  • Sugar, honey, molasses, and other sweeteners: Provide energy for the yeast, add flavor, and link with the protein to form the bread`s brown crust.

Point: Based on the exact same ingredients (with each ingredient serving specific purposes) all the different types of bread ensue from the way the ingredients are mixed, handled and baked.

Financial Plan Ingredients
A financial plan is similar to making bread. All people who operate from a financial plan share the same general ingredients. The plan begins with a person’s current money situation, including existing assets, liabilities, indebtedness, net worth, income, budget, financial risks, and long term monetary goals.

Each of the ingredients of a financial plan are essential, and they individually serve distinct purposes:

  • Financial goals: Just as a baker decides ahead of time what kind of bread to bake, so too a person must seriously consider what she wants to accomplish with her money. The most valuable asset that any person has is time. There are financial goals that are short term (buying a new car), medium term (paying off debt), and long term (a comfortable retirement). The unique nature of these durations requires specific planning and tailored funding.
  • Net worth: Just as a baker begins with a full measure of flour, so each person needs to establish a financial baseline, so he should determine his net worth. He first makes a list of all his assets (qualified plan balances, bank and investment accounts, real estate) and secondly, he needs to add up all his debts (credit cards, mortgages, student loans). His assets minus his liabilities equals his net worth. Net worth is an integral factor in establishing both urgency and risk tolerance.
  • Budget and cash flow: A person’s spending habits, giving patterns, obligations, and the ongoing results of past decisions all converge to create total monthly expenses. She must record each expenditure and then assess them as to whether they are must-have items such as groceries and rent, or nice-to-have items such as sport betting. Cash flow is to financial goals what yeast is to gluten. For assets and net worth to grow toward financial objectives, there must be investable cash.
  • Emergency funds: If a person is without an emergency fund, she may be forced to rely on high-interest credit cards, drain her 401(k), or take out a loan to afford the unexpected expenses of a sudden financial need. Just as salt acts as a yeast inhibitor, emergencies can negatively impact her long term financial security.
  • Insurance coverage: Just as bread requires a heat source in order for the mixture of ingredients to cohere into bread, financial goals require consistent income sources and protection against disruption in order to be accomplished. Insurance is an important part of protecting herself and/or her loved ones in the face of the financial downside of her illness, disability, or death.
  • Investments and savings: A person’s saving and investment strategy should be designed based on his personal and family goals, the time frame and his risk tolerance. His clearly defined goals will help him determine how much needs to be invested, how to invest it, and the amount of risk he is willing to take. Just as sweeteners, nuts, and seeds can turn any bread into a delectable treat, the proper portfolio of investments can become the bells and whistles of a successful financial life, including a secure retirement.

Point: A sound financial plan matches realism with dreams, practicalities with reasonable risk, and frequently reviewed strategies with well thought out goals. The result is a sweet-smelling, satisfying financial life.

Independent Financial Professionals as Bakers
There is a very useful formula used by bakers. Some call it the “golden ratio.” The formula specifies the proportional weight of the four essential ingredients: Flour, water, salt, and yeast. Assuming the total amount of flour is 100 percent, the proportion of each ingredient is as follows: Liquid = 60 percent, Salt = two percent, and Yeast = one percent. Additionally:

  • The weight ratio of flour to liquid is normally five to three.
  • The weight of salt is normally two times that of instant yeast.

After a baker has selected the ideal flour for her bread, there are a few more elements that make a good loaf of bread even better.

When selecting water to add to the recipe, bakers know the following:

  1. Hard water will toughen the dough and slow fermentation.
  2. Very soft water will soften the dough, making it sticky.
  3. Some tap water has an unpleasant taste such as from sulfur.
  4. Distilled water is no good because some minerals are needed for good texture and flavor.
  5. It is best to use bottled mineral water.
  6. The best bread recipes call for fresh or active dry yeast mixed into warm water.
  7. Direct contact with salt (without flour to buffer it) will kill yeast, so good bakers always mix the yeast into the flour before adding salt to dough.
  8. The best bakers use non-iodized salt such as sea salt because iodized versions can impart an unpleasant flavor. They know that fine salt is better than coarse because it is easier to measure.

Similar to great bakers, the best independent financial professionals (IFPs) create recipes for financial success for their clients. The ingredients look like those of any story because that is the IFP’s role: Help clients write their financial story. These ingredients are as follows:

  • Who is dependent on you now or will be a part of your life in the future?
  • What will you hope to be doing in the coming years?
  • Where will you live and work?
  • When do you hope to enjoy the fruits of your labor?
  • How will you take care of your loved ones and dependents should anything happen to you?
  • Why are you accumulating wealth and why do you spend money the way you do?

IFPs frequently direct their clients to proven formulas, measures, and benchmarks. Consider the following:

  1. A person should spend 28 percent or less of her monthly gross income on her mortgage.
  2. A prudent person puts away at least three to six months’ worth of expenses in an emergency fund.
  3. The person who wants to be responsible usually owns life insurance equal to 10-15 times her current income.
  4. People in their 20s should save 10-15 percent of their pre-tax income. If they wait until they are in their 30s this should be increased to 15-20 percent of their pre-tax income. Those who waited until their early 40s should set aside 25-35 percent of their pre-tax income.
  5. People looking forward to retirement should plan on needing 70 percent of their pre-retirement yearly salary to live comfortably.
  6. When a person retires, she should add up all of her investments, and withdraw four percent of that total during her first year of retirement. In subsequent years, she can adjust the dollar amount she withdraws to account for inflation.

Point: Just as bakers use learned techniques, their experience, and collective wisdom through the ages to create amazing bread, so also do great IFPs use their training, education, experience, proven techniques, known success patterns, and recognized guidelines to guide their clients through their financial lives.

Has a smell ever made you remember a specific event or time in your life? Many people smell fresh bread and are immediately transported back in time to a grandmother, mom, or favorite bakery. “Odors have the exceptional ability to instantaneously trigger vivid autobiographical memories—a phenomenon referred to as the Proust effect.”3

In his masterpiece novel, “Remembrance of Things Past: Volume I – Swann’s Way,” Marcel Proust wrote: “When nothing else subsists from the past, after the people are dead, after the things are broken and scattered…the smell and taste of things remain poised a long time, like souls…bearing resiliently on tiny and almost impalpable drops of their essence, the immense edifice of memory”4

Similarly, the work that an IFP does with clients will long be remembered for the impact on people living comfortably in retirement, sending their children to college, paying off mortgages, leaving behind a financial legacy, and having protection from financial risk of loss from illness, disability, and death.

IFPs can help their clients enjoy the sweet fragrance of the three ingredients of the good life: Learning, earning, and yearning.


  1. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bread.
  2. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1985-01-24-8501050406-story.html.
  3. https://web.colby.edu/cogblog/2015/11/22/smelling-your-memories-the-positive-and-negative-of-the-proust effect/#:~:text=Odors%20have%20the%20exceptional%20ability,as%20those%20related%20to%20smells.
  4. Swann’s Way (À la recherche du temps perdu #1) by Marcel Proust, Lydia Davis (Translator) Published November 30th 2004 by Penguin Classics (first published November 14th 1913).

Seeing Through Your Clients’ Eyes

Greek Philosopher, Epictetus, mused, “What concerns me is not the way things are, but rather the way people think things are.”

My daughter Leah owns a cat. Her name is Holly. Holly looks intently at me when I am sitting with her and petting her. Those eyes!

Cats are predators that need to be able to sense movement well, and they are nocturnal, so they also need to see well in very low light. “Humans have a 20-degree range of peripheral vision on each side. Cats can see 30 degrees on each side. Their visual field overall is just bigger—they see 200 degrees compared to our 180 degrees.”1 And yet, humans have better distance vision. Cats have to be roughly 20 feet away from something in order to clearly see something we can see sharply from 100 feet away.

Photo courtesy of Leah Perry, 2023.

All mammalian eyes contain photoreceptors that convert light rays into electrical signals. These signals travel via nerve cells to the brain, where they are translated into the images we see. There are two types of photoreceptors: Rods and cones. “Rods are responsible for peripheral and night vision. They detect brightness and shades of gray. Cones are responsible for day vision and color perception.”2

Cats have a low concentration of cone receptors. “Cats can see blue and yellow colors, but not red, orange or brown.”3 Although somewhat color blind, cats’ eyes have more rods, and consequently see approximately six times better than humans in the dark. In addition, their pupils are elliptical and can open widely in dim light. Like owls, cats have a tapetum lucidum, the reflective layer of tissue that bounces light from the cornea back to the retina again for a second chance to be absorbed by the rods. The tapetum lucidum gives cats those terrifyingly glowing eyes in the dark. It is also why they can careen crazily all around the apartment or house at night.

All this weirdness is what makes me nervous when I look deeply into the eyes of my daughter’s beloved feline.

Point: Scientists have collaborated to study how cat vison compares to human eyesight in order to better understand their perspectives that lead to their behaviors.

Seeing through Your Clients’ Eyes
The human eye is a miracle of engineering. The eye has amazing wavelength sensing, in the form of color discrimination. “Photopigments are made of a protein called opsin and a molecule that’s sensitive to light. This molecule is known as 11-cis retinal. Different types of photopigments react to certain color wavelengths that they’re sensitive to, which results in your ability to perceive those colors.”4 It is estimated that humans can see about one million colors.

While all that is fascinating and useful, the human brain is not always able to conclude what it is the eyes are reporting. Much of what we perceive through our eyes is repetitive. We have seen it before. We know its relative size, textures, shapes, and colors. We know which direction it is traveling. Sometimes, however, we see something unfamiliar. Perhaps it is familiar but just out of place. That is when we must use “mental rotation.”

Mental rotation helps us recognize objects in their environment. “Mental rotation can be described as the brain moving objects in order to help understand what they are and where they belong.”5 This is a skill that happens automatically sometimes, but in other circumstances, takes hard work.

Mental rotation is required for us to virtually see things from another person’s perspective. It begins with imagining we were them. We need to form a mental image of how the world looks to another person. As we interact with other people, we are more effective when we understand how the world looks from their point of view.

Simple examples:

  • When we are reading books to children, we know how to hold the book so they can see the pages.
  • When we are presenting before an audience we know how to move, where to stand, and how loudly to project our voice because we imagine we are sitting where they are.
  • When we are sitting in rows, and everyone is asked to stand, we each make sure to tuck in our shirt or smooth our skirt, because we know what it is to sit behind other people.

Matching Vision with Client Perspective
You likely have a vision statement or mission statement. In whose voice is it told? One wealth management firm states their purpose as follows: “We are committed to helping you pursue your long-term financial goals. As specialists in retirement planning and estate conservation, we can help you answer the questions you may have about your financial future.”


  • Number of times first person pronouns are used: Twice. (We)
  • Number of times second person pronouns are used: Five. (You, Your)

Contrast the above to this: “We make lives better by solving the financial challenges of our changing world.” The client might very well wonder, “What does this have to do with me?”

Client’s expectations change quickly. To see things the way clients do requires constantly thinking about the client experience. Seeing through the clients’ eyes starts with knowing what new and creative ways can be created in order to take great care of those clients. The client must be at the center of every single interaction and decision, and abundantly present in the vision statement.

Perception is largely a matter of expectation. If the clients’ expectations are met or exceeded, they perceive the service or product received as excellent. This, then, demands that we understand their expectations.

Business Needs and Priorities
Many independent financial professionals (IFPs) look at their clients through the eyes of their own corporate needs, or the needs of their financial services businesses. This is revealed by how success is measured. Consider these metrics:

  • Assets Under Management
  • Average Revenue Per Client
  • Net Profit Margin

It is understood that all of us are in business to make a profit. We all know that the lesson of Nature is you are either Growing, Dying, or Dead. Still, what if, instead of the usual profit and growth metrics, IFPs measured the following:

  • Percentage of recommendations that are implemented
  • Time horizon it takes for them to be implemented
  • Average gain in invested assets per client
  • Average rate of return enjoyed by clients this quarter
  • New lives insured for life Insurance
  • New lives insured for disability income
  • New lives insured for long term care
  • Number of clients who transitioned successfully into retirement
  • Number of new clients referred by existing clients

Point: How you keep score influences how you see. Your ability to see through your clients’ eyes is directly proportional to what you measure.

Be Where They Are
Many IFPs make elements of their service overly-complicated and confusing. Clients want things simple, quick, and easy. The beginning of client-centric vision is summarized in four simple words: Be where they are.


  1. Ask yourself, “Do my clients know the sound of my voice?” Similarly, if your clients saw you at a sports event or restaurant, would they recognize you? How personally relatable are you?
  2. “If you have an audience online, be where they are. This is especially true with your website. Make sure that you visit each page, use the contact us forms, walk through the purchasing process online, etc. If you have a live messaging system, have you used it first? Outside of your website are you visible on social media? Your business will need a platform where your customers can voice their concerns, sing your praises, and where you can inform them about new things your business is doing, and capture their attention not just so they will buy from you, but so that they will feel connected to you and even share your business with others.”6
  3. Try sitting in the chairs reserved for clients. Have someone sit behind your desk or on the side of the table you usually sit on. Ask them to act like you. What do you see? What is behind you where you normally sit? Is it distracting? Where does the light come from? Is it ample? Are windows in line of sight? Can the clients look at people passing outside your office?
  4. Ask a trusted friend to stop by your offices unannounced. Request an evaluation of the following:
    • How were you greeted?
    • What was your first impression of the offices?
    • How soon were you attended to?
    • Would you describe the environment as warm?
  5. Practice reviewing documents upside down for you. When an object is placed upside down for the person opposite, it makes it harder for that person to fully comprehend it.
  6. Video yourself in a client meeting. What is your posture? How useful or distracting are your hand motions?

The truest way to see as the client sees is to try to apprehend what the client feels when working with you. This requires both empathy and imagination. The first step is to create your own sense of fresh awareness about your business practices. Knowing how you yourself feel when you are receiving advice, looking for solutions, or making a purchasing decision, how do your services compare? What do you imagine people feeling when they contrast your services with their universe of experiences?

Client Journeys
When your life intersects with a prospect’s life, your encounter is only one of dozens of interactions impacting their reality. Each person’s life is a journey. Your encounter can become nothing more than a scenic overlook, a rest stop, or a flat tire; or conversely, through the art of creating connection, a delightful destination.

The client’s journey has a clearly defined beginning and will eventually reach an end, but at present their life spans a spectrum of multiple touchpoints. One way to stand out is simply by providing a friendly experience. If you want to provide friendly service, hire friendly people. Ask the people who see you in your work life if you are someone worthy of the adjective—friendly.

Simple test: Listen for laughter in your office.

The Walt Disney Company has a common purpose that drives all of their employees: “We create happiness by providing the finest in entertainment for people of all ages, everywhere.” Happiness is a big objective, especially if you are targeting “people of all ages.”

IFPs need not aim quite so high. Rather than seeking to provide happiness to all clients, IFPs can strive to contribute the following to their clients’ journeys:

  • Replace negative or anxious feelings about their financial lives with positive direction.
  • Help clients successfully and confidently navigate the different stages of their financial lives.
  • Diminish their clients perceived snail’s crawl toward financial milestones by engendering a feeling of progress.
  • Place the client in the secure position as decision maker by providing simple options that give them a feeling of control and choice.

Sometimes to see things the way our clients see them, we need to make a mental rotation.
The artist Paul Klee once said, “The painter should not paint what he sees, but what will be seen.”

As an independent financial services professional, it can be easy to forget that you are actually serving your clients and not the other way around. IFPs work hard to build a successful clientele but sometimes forget that that is the goal. Clients get lost in the urgency to achieve profits, productivity, and prominence.

If a strong clientele is desired, the clientele needs first to be seen.


  1. https://www.popsci.com/article/science/see-world-through-eyes-cat/.
  2. https://www.businessinsider.com/pictures-of-how-cats-see-the-world-2013-10.
  3. https://www.popsci.com/article/science/see-world-through-eyes-cat/.
  4. https://www.healthline.com/health/tetrachromacy#causes.
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_rotation.
  6. https://www.i7marketing.com/blog/seeing-through-the-eyes-of-your-customers.

Going To Extremes With Impossible Schemes

March 4th is famously known as the only calendar date that is also a military command. It just so happened that I attended the 105th birthday party for a WWII veteran on March 4, 2022.

“And if you should survive to a hundred and five
Look at all you’ll derive out of bein’ alive
And here is the best part, you have a head start
If you are among the very young at heart.”1

Robert Henry Doolan was born on March 22, 1917, in Cincinnati’s West End. He graduated from St. Xavier High School in 1935. The attack on Pearl Harbor inspired him to enlist in the Army Air Corps in 1941, and he graduated as a second lieutenant navigator the following year.

First Lieutenant Doolan served his country during WWII in the Army Air Corps as a member of the 326th Bomb Squadron, 92nd bomb group.

During his 13th mission as a navigator on a B-17 Flying Fortress, German fighter planes shot him down, forcing him to emergency-land in Holland. Doolan and another airman, co/pilot Donald Elbert Weir, spent 21 days attempting to escape back to England, shifting between safe houses, with aid from the Dutch resistance before being captured. As they entered the safe house door in Rotterdam, Doolan and Weir were knocked unconscious by members of Schutzstaffel, a Nazi paramilitary organization. They were gagged and handcuffed. Bob told me, “They push you here, they push you there, with a gun on your back all the time.” Upon capture they were taken to a prison camp.

He spent two years in the Stalag Luft III prison camp which was made famous by the 1963 film The Great Escape. (To read the thrilling actual history of the real escape visit this: https://www.history.com/news/great-escape-wwii-nazi-stalag-luft-iii).

Of his time in the prisoner of war camp, he had few things to say by way of complaint. “You miss the most what you miss that day,” Doolan said. “Obviously you miss your family or a sweetheart, but if you get hungry enough, you don’t think about anything else but food.”2

“Doolan was evacuated from the camp with other POWs in January, 1945, by the Germans, to avoid the Soviet Red Army, where they were marched and moved by horse carts and train cars to a new camp at Moosburg, Germany. The Moosburg prison camp was liberated by General George Patton and Doolan returned to the United States in 1945.”3

When Doolan returned home to Cincinnati, he married Dolores Ann Abbott. They raised three children. Doolan graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. Doolan and Dolores were married 71 years. She died in 2017.

Back on March 4, 2022, myself and fifty or more people gathered to celebrate Bob Doolan’s 105th birthday. Being “young at heart” he entertained us with stories and song. He heartedly sang these lyrics:

“Fairy tales can come true
It can happen to you if you’re young at heart
For it’s hard, you will find
To be narrow of mind if you’re young at heart.”4

(To hear Robert Doolan tell his own story here is a link to an interview he gave on his 100th birthday: https://www.wvxu.org/history/2017-03-08/local-veteran-former-pow-robert-doolan-turns-100-this-month-and-shares-his-wwii-stories#stream/)

After the war Doolan was awarded with these commendations: Air Medal with clusters, Air Offensive Europe, European Theater Operations with Battle Star and Purple Heart with cluster.

Against the Odds
Alistair Begg wrote, “The ultimate statistic is that one out of one will die. Death is the only certainty of life.”5

Only 14 out of 1,000 80-year-old men will live to 100. Only three percent of men currently 60 years of age will live to age 100.

The International Database on Longevity (IDL) was created “to gather demographic information on those who have lived to a validated age of 105 years or over, opening the door to accurate measurement of mortality at very old ages.”6

“Jeanne Louise Calment lived for 122 years and 164 days, the oldest verified age of any person, ever. Her interviews revealed a portrait of the centenarian in high spirits: ‘I’ve only ever had one wrinkle, and I’m sitting on it,’ she told reporters when she turned 110. Calment died in 1997 in Arles, France, where she spent much of her impressively long life. No one else, according to accurate records, has lived beyond 120 years.”7

The number of men able to escape from Stalag Luft III were 76, of which only three made it to safety. Poor odds. Although he was not included in the escape plans, Robert Dooley was a survivor. He survived twelve successful missions, a plane crash, multiple prisoner of war camps, forced marches, and 105 years of living.

People who are alive between the ages of 105 and 109 are known as “semi-supercentenarians.” Researchers at UC Berkeley and Sapienza University of Rome tracked the deaths of nearly 4,000 residents of Italy who were aged 105 and older between 2009 and 2015. “They found that the chances of survival for these longevity warriors plateaued once they made it past 105.”8

Specifically, the results revealed that people between the ages of 105 and 109 had a 50/50 chance of dying within the year and an expected further life span of 1.5 years. These percentages did not change between 105 and 110.

The researchers drew the following conclusion:

“Our data tell us that there is no fixed limit to the human lifespan yet in sight,” said study senior author Kenneth Wachter, a UC Berkeley professor emeritus of demography and statistics. “Not only do we see mortality rates that stop getting worse with age, we see them getting slightly better over time.”9


Everyone in that study has since passed. Not one person’s life expectancy got better over time. As for Robert Dooley, he died on October 5, 2022, six months after his 105th birthday.

Impossible Schemes
The certainty of mortality is the predicate of life insurance.

Throughout my career in financial services, I have heard some critics of the life insurance industry express their opinion that there are better ways of taking financial responsibility for your family than owning an individual term, or permanent life insurance policy.

Here are some suggested alternatives to life insurance:

  • Investing and Saving. “If you are able to set aside enough funds each year, you can very well never have to worry about holding a life insurance policy.”8 (If you live, that is.)
  • Mortgage Insurance. (Limited in its flexibility and extent.)
  • Accidental Death and Dismemberment. (Extremely restrictive.)
  • Disability Income Insurance. (A highly recommended product, but not an alternative for the lump sum payable by life insurance.)
  • Critical Illness Insurance. (Again, a highly recommended product, but not an alternative for the lump sum payable by life insurance.)
  • Prepaid Funeral Plan. (Useful and practical, but very limited.)
  • Guaranteed Issue Plan. (Helpful if the insured cannot qualify for individually underwritten life insurance.)

There really is no substitute for individually owned life insurance.

“Life insurance covers all causes of death, with one main exception: Suicide within the first two years of owning the policy. Apart from that exclusion, life insurance covers death from illness, disease, accidents, and homicide.”10

Life insurance gives responsible people the means to prove they are dependable to their lives’ dependents.

“Life insurance is a key element in feeling financially secure. Among insureds with financial dependents, 68 percent feel secure, compared with 47 percent of non-insureds.”11

The nonprofit Life Happens (formerly the Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education) recommends that as an independent financial professional you should share with your clients these very good reasons for purchasing a life insurance policy soon:

  • “You’ll never be younger than you are now.
  • It’s affordable, with rates near historic lows.
  • Life happens. One day life is going along smoothly, and the next, you’re thrown a curveball. No one knows what the future holds. None of us expect to die prematurely, but the truth is roughly 600,000 people die each year in the prime of their lives.”12

At 105, Robert Dooley sang:

“You can go to extremes with impossible schemes
You can laugh when your dreams fall apart at the seams
And life gets more exciting with each passing day
And love is either in your heart or on its way.”

There are 41 million people in the U.S. who say they need life insurance but do not have it. If you are an independent financial professional, pledge yourself to the following:

  1. Don’t let people seek “impossible schemes” in order to accomplish what only life insurance can do.
  2. Remind them that “dreams sometimes fall apart” at the seams but having the wherewithal to afford the changes makes laughter easier.
  3. “Life gets more exciting each day” and proper planning makes it affordable.
  4. Encourage your clients to say, “I love you” to their family while they are living and to be able to say, as they are about to die, that “love is on its way.”

If Robert Dooley were alive today, he would sing this to your clients:

“Don’t you know that it’s worth
Every treasure on earth to be young at heart
For as rich as you are
It’s much better by far to be young at heart.”

My translation:
Don’t you know that it’s worth
Every treasure on earth to be prepared
from the start
For as rich as you are
It’s much better by far to prove your heart.


  1. “Young At Heart” lyrics © June’s Tunes Ltd. Partnership, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.
  2. https://www.cincinnati.com/story/life/2017/03/30/wwii-pow-turns-100-years-old-recalls-return-home/99587458/.
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Henry_Doolan.
  4. “Young At Heart” lyrics © June’s Tunes Ltd. Partnership, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.
  5. https://www.truthforlife.org/daily/?tab=alistair_begg_devotional&date=11%2F18%2F2022&src=22ELKB0&utm_campaign=Alistair%20Begg%20Daily%20Devotion&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=234308426&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_epWCHqsFKBn_MrLBi1SEY4clSyX_hpUTvmeTbhY4ZAs4qX5JPYMu5CcEabGtIBiswkkGtUdmT59kT-iYItQTcYv2Pww&utm_content=234308426&utm_source=hs_email.
  6. https://www.supercentenarians.org/en/.
  7. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2018/06/28/new-study-questions-a-limit-to-the-human-life-span/.
  8. https://news.berkeley.edu/2018/06/28/supercentenarians/.
  9. Ibid.
  10. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/life-insurance-alternatives_b_7832936.
  11. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/life-insurance/how-it-works/.
  12. https://www.limra.com/en/research/research-abstracts-public/2022/2022-insurance-barometer/.
  13. https://www.lifeinsure.com/life-insurance-awareness-and-your-loved-ones/.
  14. “Young At Heart” lyrics © June’s Tunes Ltd. Partnership, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.
  15. Ibid.

Red Lines And Planning

“Generally, a fall of fifty feet or more will kill almost anyone.” This is what my rappelling instructor told me. Although I had been a rock climber since I was a young adult, I was in my mid-forties when I began rappelling. Together with good friends I rappelled off cliffs and even buildings. I actually was able to participate in a seasonal event associated with the Christmas holiday in downtown Cincinnati by rappelling off a building with others dressed as Santa, Reindeer, and an Elf.

Although my rappel master specified fifty feet, tree arborists cite thirty feet as the cutoff for fatality in a fall. That is, most people who fall from thirty feet or higher die. Even if you land on your feet and have the leg strength to soak up the force of the landing, you are still going to break bones or suffer internal injuries.

According to the World Health Organization, “Globally, falls are a major public health problem. An estimated 684,000 fatal falls occur each year, making it the second leading cause of unintentional injury death, after road traffic injuries.”1

Gravity causes any object in free fall to accelerate. The standard value is 980.665 centimeters per second per second (so-called “g force”). Acceleration increases proportional to the square root of the height of the fall, but directly proportional to time. If you fall for one second you reach the speed of 32 feet per second. If you fall for two seconds your acceleration will reach 64 feet per second.

As you are falling it is gravity that causes your acceleration to go faster and faster the longer you fall. Once you have fallen approximately 450 meters you have reached terminal velocity. This means you will not fall any faster. Any height above 450 meters means your survivability is unaltered. Rock climbers know that once you get over a certain height, you’re not going to survive a fall anyway. (This, strangely, gives them courage.)

Point: Fifty feet is the “red line” of falling. One reason for this is the design of our bodies. We are built top heavy. At a certain height, we will end up landing upside down. On our heads.
Application: Climbers use unusual caution when operating at heights above fifty feet. Climbers often use a top rope. Rappelers double- and triple-check harnesses.

Red Line
We use the term “red line” when describing behavior that has become unacceptable. Additionally, a “red line” is the “fastest, farthest, or highest point or degree considered safe.”2 Beyond the red line, it is hard to recover.

For life on planet earth, there are red lines in every direction, and for all activities. Consider the National Football League (NFL). When a game comes down to the last two minutes, there is a differential in team scores that presents a red line.

On November 27, 1966, the Washington Redskins scored 72 points versus the Giants. That is the most points scored by any team in NFL history. But it took them four quarters of play (sixty minutes) to achieve that score.

On December 8, 2013, however, the Minnesota Vikings and Baltimore Ravens met in Baltimore and played an amazing game in snow and cold. With two minutes and five seconds to go, Minnesota was leading Baltimore 12 to 7. The two teams combined for over 20 points in the final two minutes of regulation and scored five touchdowns in the last two minutes and five seconds! There were six lead changes in the fourth quarter. In one of the craziest finishes in NFL history, Baltimore would defeat Minnesota by the score of 29-26.

Point: The red line in the NFL for overcoming a point deficit in the last two minutes of a game is two touchdowns. Rarely can a team score 14 points more than their opponent in the last two minutes of regulation.

Application: Anticipating that they might find themselves behind in the score near the end of a game, NFL teams practice the two-minute drill. They become more aggressive in their play calling. They make better use of the clock. They use the sidelines. They increase the tempo of play. They deploy rarely used onside kicks and trick plays.

Red Lines in Financial Services
In financial services we work with people and their money. Because time is fleeting, and money is finite, red lines arise in many situations.

Red Line Example #1, Pre-Retirement Period
The transition from earning an income (and setting aside savings and investments) to drawing an income from accumulated net worth is a major change. For all people invested in the markets, a crash is an emotionally stressful event. This is particularly true for retirees and pre-retirees.

For anyone soon to retire, a prolonged stock market downturn could affect their retirement plans. A person’s investment portfolio tends to be largest near retirement, in anticipation of drawing down income. If retirement income is dependent on taking withdrawals from a stock portfolio (within an IRA, 401k, or other qualified plan), and the market suffers a downturn, the prospective retiree faces two consequences:

  1. When stock prices are low, more shares must be sold in order to generate the same amount of income anticipated before the downturn.
  2. Selling stocks in the portfolio in a bad market can permanently undermine the ability to participate in market rebounds.

Volatility is when markets go up and down over time. For younger investors, market volatility is a nuisance. For someone about to retire, or newly retired, volatility can be very damaging to the plans for sustainable income.

Between October, 2007, and November, 2008, the Dow Jones lost more than 40 percent. Assets in defined contribution plans and IRAs lost about 30 percent of their value in that same period. If left untouched by withdrawals, those funds recovered over the next few years. These eventual gains were available to pre-retirees who continued to work longer than they had intended, reduced their spending, or had other sources of income that allowed them to postpone taking withdrawals.

The red line for pre-retirees is the amount of income they can derive from other assets (cash, etc.) if the value of their securities declines due to a market adjustment.

The best way to avoid selling price-depressed assets is to prepare in advance. Knowing that the invested assets will be needed soon for income, it is wise to hold “the equivalent of at least a year’s worth of anticipated withdrawals in cash investments—such as checking or savings accounts, money market funds or certificates of deposit (CDs)—with another two to four years’ worth in relatively liquid, conservative investments such as short-term Treasuries and other high-quality bonds or short-term bond funds.”3

“A four-year cushion should be enough to help you manage your risk in most bear markets. According to research by the Schwab Center for Financial Research, from the 1960s through 2021, the average peak-to-peak recovery time for a diversified index of stocks in bear markets was about three and a half years.”4

Point: The five years prior to retirement are the equivalent of the final two minutes in a football game. Just as it is improbable for an NFL team to overcome a two-touchdown deficit in the last two minutes, it is extremely difficult for someone to regain the growth curve of an asset portfolio if the market suffers a downturn in the few years leading up to retirement.


  • Clients need to prepare for market downturns in the years leading up to retirement by accumulating one to four years’ worth of income in conservative, liquid, safe, cash-like accounts.
  • Some independent financial professionals (IFPs) urge their clients to deploy an Age-Based Asset Allocation model based on the fact that a person’s age dictates the amount of risk that is reasonable to take on. One model subtracts the person’s age from 100 and the result is the percentage of stock that person should retain in the portfolio. Someone age 40 should have 60 percent invested in stocks. Conversely, someone age 60 should have 40 percent invested in stocks. Preservation of capital replaces risk tolerance as the objective.

Red Line Example #2, The Retirement Years
Many people who retire are unaware of the risk that can steal huge amounts of potential income. This is the “sequence of returns” risk.

Down markets can pose significant sequence of returns risk in the early years of retirement. The risk has to do with the order, or sequence, of stock returns over time, combined with investment portfolio withdrawals, and the impact on the retirement savings.

Here’s how a sequence of returns risk can impact retirement savings: Say a person retires at age 65 with $1 million invested in stocks and securities with the goal of withdrawing $40,000 each year. If at the outset of this person’s retirement the portfolio is subject to a bear market, and loses 30 percent of its value, more shares of stock than anticipated will need to be sold in order for the $40,000 income goal to be achieved. Also, when the market rebounds, the sold shares are gone and no future gain is available.

However, if the order of yearly returns is reversed and the bear market happens much later, toward the end of the person’s life, the downturn might be offset by growth of the portfolio’s value in the intervening years.

The red line for retirees is not the specific returns over time but the order of those returns.

Point: IFPs must help their clients prepare for retirement in more ways than just accumulating necessary funds. They must also help clients plan for withdrawing funds from other sources in down markets.


IFPs can help their clients combat the sequence of returns risk in these ways:

  1. First, by urging clients to spend more conservatively during down markets because the less they have to withdraw the less the impact on the portfolio overall.
  2. Second, IFPs can recommend products like permanent life insurance which build tax-deferred cash values that avail the policyowner the ability to withdraw funds that are potentially income-tax-free so that, in down market years, the retirement investments are not sold at decreased prices and can rebound as the markets recover.
  3. Third, the IFP can make sure clients know where they stand in terms of retirement income readiness, and therefore give clients some control over the date of their retirement.
  4. The IFP can urge clients to factor in withdrawal sequencing with their Social Security start date.

A red line is the fastest, farthest, or highest point or degree considered safe, beyond which it is hard to recover.

Red line injuries from falling cannot be blamed on gravity. Injuries arise from lack of caution and the failure to invest time and effort in proper preparation.

NFL teams that find themselves losing by more than two touchdowns (the red line) in the final two minutes of regulation cannot always overcome the failures of the previous 58 minutes of play.

Red lines face us in every aspect of life, including in our financial lives.

The IFP serves best when clients know what to do, if and when a market crash happens, either in the pre-retirement years or during retirement. Market corrections often force investors to sell securities that have lost significant value, and the impact on long-term growth snowballs.

IFPs can help clients protect themselves and their money by preparing a rational, well documented plan. The plan should specify, in advance, exactly what the client will do if a market downturn happens. Market corrections are emotional and stressful events. The hardest part of a market crash is sticking to the plan and not selling in a panic.

Clients who sell their stocks at a market low cannot recover. If a plan is in place that anticipates a downturn, and the clients hold onto price-depressed securities, these securities will likely regain their pre-crash positions.

Albert Einstein wrote, “You can’t blame gravity for falling in love.”

Similarly, you cannot blame market downturns for failure to plan. IFPs can help their clients plan and prepare for the red line risks of pre-retirement, or mid-retirement, market crashes.


  1. https://www.who.int/en/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/falls.
  2. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/redline.
  3. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/21/a-lasting-market-downturn-can-be-big-risk-early-in-your-retirement.html.
  4. https://www.schwab.com/learn/story/market-volatility-retirement-what-if-you-havent-prepared.

In A Word

I recently spent three weeks in Poland doing what I feel called to do these days. I traveled with two teammates named Rich and Joan (a delightful married couple). We conducted three nightly seminars each week on the subject of Emotional Intelligence. Our audience was comprised of university students from multiple universities in three different cities. We spent the daytime hours meeting with individual students for mentoring. Our purpose in traveling to other countries is to use what God has given us (our experience, training, wisdom from our lives and careers) to encourage university students to use what God has given them, so they can, in turn, make a positive impact on other people.

We started in Poznan, ended in Warsaw, and in the middle week, found ourselves in Krakow. There we stayed in a boutique hotel named “Amber.” At the front desk we received a guide meant to help us pronounce Polish phrases that we may want to use in our encounters with native speakers.

Sadly, we did not find the guide to be all that useful. Consider the examples shown in Table 1.

We had nothing. Our tongues and lips locked up like we had mouthfuls of peanut butter.

The guide is intended to address the needs of a traveler, someone who does not speak the language. The guide is designed to somehow help travelers use a few expressions to better navigate their unusual surroundings. It is not altogether successful.

This experience caused me to reflect on the language we use in independent distribution and financial services, and in life insurance specifically. The people we serve are often experiencing traumatic changes and stressful financial fluctuations. How well does our lexicon meet their needs?

Point: At a time when the industry is marketing complex products with opaque and technical features, it behooves the independent financial professional to use great care to use the right words in all communications.

Where there is ambiguity, or when the information is stated in terms that people generally do not use, the opportunity for misunderstanding increases. For example, today’s indexed universal life policies are steeped in words, phrases, and terms that individually confuse the reader and, when considered in combination, utterly baffle the mind.

This hard-to-understand terminology invites distrust. This opens the door to commentaries and articles stating such things as, “Critics say indexed universal life insurance is being sold dishonestly.”1

Life insurance at its very core comes to life when people come to the end of theirs. The good of life insurance enters into grief.

Question: In the life insurance industry, are we providing clear guidance, sharing useful, understandable words, and giving people the ability to navigate the strange world of grief?

The writer C.S. Lewis (born November 29, 1898; died November 22, 1963) spent most of his adult life as a bachelor. In 1956 he married an American writer named Joy Davidman. Tragically, she died of cancer four years later at the age of 45. Lewis, a deeply respected thinker, philosopher, theologian, and author of nearly three dozen books, found himself without words, without answers.

To help himself sort out the confusion of emotions, doubts, and lost direction, he kept a journal that became a book entitled, “A Grief Observed.”

Here is how the book begins:

“No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear. I am not afraid, but the sensation is like being afraid. The same fluttering in the stomach, the same restlessness, the yawning. I keep on swallowing.

At other times it feels like being mildly drunk, or concussed. There is a sort of invisible blanket between the world and me. I find it hard to take in what anyone says. Or perhaps, hard to want to take it in. It is so uninteresting. Yet I want the others to be about me. I dread the moments when the house is empty. If only they would talk to one another and not to me.”2

Point: When a life insurance death benefit is paid, the money slides in under an invisible blanket separating the deceased’s family from the world. The death proceeds land in the world of grief.

Personal Pain of Grief
Lewis died one week before his 65th birthday. My own father died one week before his 67th birthday.

It was a little after 8:00 AM on Monday, November 15, 1993, and I was sitting in a conference room with all the other executives of Manhattan National Life. We were about to begin an all-day planning session to choose our strategies for 1994. My assistant, Becky, opened the door, apologized for interrupting, and came to me and whispered in my ear, “Dave, Di is on the phone. You need to take her call.”

My wife let me know that my Dad had unexpectedly died overnight. I informed my colleagues and headed home from downtown Cincinnati. I went directly to Spring Grove Cemetery. Designated as a National Historic Landmark, Spring Grove is very much like a park with over 700 acres of trees and flowers. There among the headstones I wept like never before. Every one of those graves held the remains of people who left grieving loved ones behind. I was not experiencing anything new. But it was new to me.

Lewis: “The death of a beloved is an amputation.”3

My Dad died whole in all his relationships. He and I knew we loved one another and there was nothing that needed to be said or forgiven. Yet, suddenly, the familial appendage known as “Dad” was gone from this world, from my life.

In A Word
Those of us in the life insurance industry should pay attention to the words we use to describe our products and our processes.

Consider the following examples:

It is easy to find a dictionary definition or legal description of this word.

A beneficiary is a natural person or other legal entity who receives money or other benefits from a benefactor. A beneficiary is the person or entity chosen by the deceased to receive the benefits from the decedent’s life insurance coverage.

Beyond its definition, we have the opportunity to incorporate the truer essence of the word in our usage.

To be a beneficiary, then, is to be lovingly selected, and generously designated to receive valuable benefits. A beneficiary is the target of the intentions and affections of the deceased.

Point: Every independent financial professional should take great care in explaining the beautiful essence of the relationship between the policyholder and the beneficiary.

The word “claim” has many different uses. It can refer to property, to rights, or to something set aside for another. Alternatively, a claim can take on a negative connotation and mean “an assertion,” or even “allegation.” Independent financial professionals can help grieving families by stating the word “claim” in the positive sense of seeking what is due or securing a privilege or what is rightfully theirs.

“The loss of a loved one is devastating, and the life insurance claim process may only add to that feeling of grief and finality. But try to take solace in knowing that your departed loved one had a life insurance policy to help you during this difficult time.”4

Beyond the Words
Not only do life insurance products achieve their purpose when an insured dies, the independent financial professional can also.

Because life insurance companies are not tracking every insured to see if they are still living, the deceased’s family or surviving business partners must notify the company when the policyholder dies. The process is called filing a claim. And the assistance of an independent financial professional can prove invaluable.

It all begins with two key steps:

  1. Finding the life insurance policies that the deceased owned.
  2. Procuring multiple certified death certificates.

Researching Policies
Occasionally people own life insurance policies but their own families are not made aware of their existence. Or, if they are, they cannot find the policies or any information. If the family or surviving business partners believe such life insurance policies existed, but do not know which companies issued the coverage, a seasoned independent financial professional knows that the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) has created a Life Insurance Policy Locator.

The NAIC Life Policy Locator can assist consumers in locating life insurance policies and annuity contracts of a deceased family member or close relationship.

The Web Site is: https://eapps.naic.org/life-policy-locator/#/welcome.

The member companies will search their records to determine whether they have life policies or annuity contracts owned by the deceased. If found, these companies will contact the surviving family or business partners but only if they are the designated beneficiary or authorized legal representative.

Here are other ways that helpful independent financial professionals can guide the surviving family/business partners in their search for policies:

  • Look through the decedent’s records, files, and safety deposit box.
  • Contact the decedent’s previous employer to discover if the person may have been a certificate holder of an employer-provided group life policy.
  • Review bank account statements to see if payment was being made to a life insurance company.
  • Ask the decedent’s auto or home insurance agents if they had helped the decedent purchase life insurance through them.

Note: If you are an independent financial professional, remind all your clients who own life insurance to let their beneficiaries know that the life insurance policies exist. Otherwise, the beneficiaries won’t know they’re owed a death benefit. They will not know the loving intentions behind the policies.

Retrieving Death Certificates
A certified death certificate is needed to file a life insurance claim. A surviving family member or business partner can usually get a certified death certificate from a state/local health department. Many other financial institutions will also request certified death certificates.

To the family left behind, the death certificate is something that makes the loss very real and, suddenly, official.

I remember a financial advisor telling me that my own mother’s death certificate was actually a Certificate of Merit indicating that she had lived well and successfully passed through this world and was on her way to the next (and better) world.

Submitting the Claim
In addition to the death certificate, the deceased’s family will need other information, including:

  • Name of insured
  • Date of death
  • Cause of death
  • Place of death
  • The claimant’s name

All this will be submitted to the life insurance company that will review the claim.

Again, these can be viewed as the following:

  • The name of the deceased competitor
  • The location of the finish line
  • The time the race was completed
  • The name(s) of the people who cheered the competitor all along

It is a privilege to develop and distribute financial products that translate good intentions into concrete acts of love. The financial services industry, and the life insurance industry in particular, facilitate the fulfillment of dreams that continue after we are gone.

Life Happens describes it this way: “The main reason to buy life insurance is because you love people and want to protect them financially.”5

Helping people purchase life insurance is an honorable mission. It is, however, only half-way to completion. Being there, serving the surviving family members and business partners, entering into their world of grief—that is the second half, and perhaps most important phase, of the mission.

The point of this article is simply to remind those of us involved in this meaningful industry that we need to take great care to use the right words when the promise of life insurance is fulfilled.

C.S. Lewis was torn on whether or not he wanted people to speak to him in his time of grief. “I see people, as they approach me, trying to make up their minds whether they’ll ‘say something about it’ or not. I hate if they do, and if they don’t.”6

In our business, we must show up, and we must be prepared to say the right things.


  1. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/life-insurance/indexed-universal-life-insurance-problems/.
  2. “A Grief Observed,” by C.S. Lewis, N.W. Clerk publisher, 1961.
  3. Ibid.
  4. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/life-insurance/how-to-make-claim/.
  5. https://lifehappens.org/about/campaigns/.
  6. “A Grief Observed,” by C.S. Lewis, N.W. Clerk publisher, 1961.

Grace That Runs Deeper Than Rulebooks

As a child, I was always threatened by Christmas. Santa is described by these frightening lines in the Christmas song:

He sees you when you’re sleeping
He knows when you’re awake
He knows if you’ve been bad or good
So be good for goodness’ sake!

And the moral? “So! You better watch out!”

Over my career in financial services, I often wondered if I were in fact doing “good for goodness’ sake.” Or, to be honest, doing good for my good. For mere personal gain. To receive acclamation.

Ethics in Financial Services
A sound measure of goodness is ethics.

In 2014 the Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) and Securities Commission of Malaysia (SC) announced the formation of the Financial Services Professional Board (FSPB). The objective of the FSPB was to “drive the development and harmonization of professional standards across the banking and insurance industry, Islamic finance and capital markets, working closely with regulators and the professional bodies within the financial services sector.”1

The financial services industry plays a central role in any economy. This is why, in 2018, the FSPB established the Professional Code for the International Financial Services Industry; basically, a shared commitment to a common set of values, designed to engender trust in the financial industry.

On May 24, 2018, Ms. Jessica Chew Cheng Lian, deputy governor of the Central Bank of Malaysia (Bank Negara Malaysia), gave the Welcome Address at the convention where the new FSPB Professional Code was launched. In her remarks she said:

“There is an acknowledgement that behavior is ultimately regulated by something that runs deeper than rulebooks. It is not an easy thing to put your finger on. Regulators have talked about ‘the way things get done’ in an institution, or ‘the human element in everyday decisions.’ We like to think of it as how one behaves when no one is watching.”2

Everyone, that is, including Santa.

Trust Is Rooted in Ethics
Here are the five principles contained in the Code of Ethics for The Financial Services Industry:

  • Principle 1: Competence “Individuals across the financial services industry shall develop and maintain the relevant knowledge, skills and behavior to ensure that their activities are conducted professionally and proficiently. This includes acting with diligence, as well as obtaining, and regularly updating, the appropriate qualifications, training, expertise, and practical experience.”3
  • Principle 2: Integrity “Organizations and individuals acrossthe financial services industry shall be honest and open in all their dealings. This includes behaving in an accountable and trustworthy manner, and avoiding any acts that might damage the reputation of, or bring discredit to, the industry at any time.”4
  • Principle 3: Fairness “Organizations and individuals across the financial services industry shall act responsibly and embrace a culture of fairness and transparency. This includes treating those with whom they have professional relationships with respect and ensuring that they consider the impact of their decisions and actions towards all stakeholders.”5
  • Principle 4: Confidentiality “Organizations and individuals across the financial services industry shall protect the confidentiality and sensitivity of information provided to them. This includes using it for its intended purposes only and not divulging information to any unauthorized persons, including third parties, without the necessary consent from those involved unless disclosure is required by law or regulation.”6
  • Principle 5: Objectivity “Organizations and individuals across the financial services industry shall not allow any conflict of interest, bias, or undue influence of others to override their business and professional judgment. They shall declare, to those concerned, all matters that could impair their objectivity.”7

This is a good list. Santa would be pleased if all of us in the financial services industry, especially independent distribution, acted accordingly.

Point: In independent distribution we need to act ethically in order to strengthen the trust others place in us.

More than Ethics
On April 14, 1939, John Steinbeck published his novel The Grapes of Wrath. It had staggering success. Steinbeck wrote the 619-page novel in longhand, in a mere five months. His wife, Carol, prepared the typed manuscript. The book sold over 400,000 copies in its first year of publication. In its review, The New York Times wrote, The Grapes of Wrath is “a magnificent novel of America.” Because of the novel’s success and influence, Steinbeck received the Pulitzer Prize in Fiction in 1940.

Back then First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt wrote a nationally syndicated newspaper column, entitled “‘My Day,” which ran six days a week. In her column she wrote: “Now I must tell you that I have just finished a book which is an unforgettable experience in reading. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck both repels and attracts you. The horrors of the picture, so well-drawn, make you dread sometimes to begin the next chapter, and yet you cannot lay the book down or even skip a page.”8

In fact, the First Lady traveled to California to see for herself the living conditions at the labor camps that Steinbeck described. The Grapes of Wrath, and Ms. Roosevelt’s support, led to Congressional hearings about labor law reforms and wage regulation.

Steinbeck’s wife Carol not only typed the novel, but she also suggested the title. The Grapes of Wrath comes from the opening lines of Julia Ward Howe’s Battle Hymn of the Republic, published in 1862:

“Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword
His truth is marching on.”

Ms. Howe and her husband visited Washington, D.C. in November 1861. While there, Howe heard Union troops singing a marching song called John Brown’s Body, a song that glorified the abolitionist John Brown, a man who was convicted and hanged for murdering a family of planters, and for killing a group of U.S. Army soldiers at Harpers Ferry.

While Howe and her husband were both strong anti-slavery activists, there was something distasteful about heartily praising a murderer in song.

Howe wrote the new lyrics to the same tune the very next day. She took dead aim at slavery. One verse of the hymn includes the words “let us die to make men free.” This is a call to fight to end slavery.

After she had written the lyrics, Howe wrote in her diary that “something of importance” just took place. In fact, her poem and the popular tune became an important part of American culture. Battle Hymn of the Republic was sung at the funerals of Winston Churchill, Robert Kennedy, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan. In 1963 Judy Garland sang it on national television in honor of John F. Kennedy. More recently, it was performed at the memorial services for the victims of 9/11 and at President Obama’s second Inaugural Address.

Point: Today we easily embrace ethical behavior, and we all roundly agree with ending slavery. Santa, again, would be pleased.

Grace that Runs Deeper than Rulebooks
But wait.

One might ask why Carol Steinbeck chose Battle Hymn of the Republic as the source of her husband’s book title.

Carol Steinbeck chose Battle Hymn of the Republic as the source of the title for her husband’s novel because, like Howe’s lyrics, The Grapes of Wrath tackles a huge social ill—the maltreatment of immigrants and the poor.

In the 1930’s, the Dust Bowl created intolerable living conditions for over a million people living in the Central Plains who migrated west to find work and establish life in places like California’s Central Valley. For many, the only choice they had was to leave, and they found themselves on Route 66 headed to California.

Once these throngs of impoverished people arrived, tensions ran hot between the migrant population and the established merchants, landowners, and middle class of the western states. There is a huge divide between ownership and aspiration.

Steinbeck: “The quality of owning freezes you forever in ‘I,’ and cuts you off forever from the ‘we.’”9

Greed and generosity are competing forces in the novel. Steinbeck portrays self-interest and altruism as equal and opposite powers. The rich are depicted as greedy, and the poor are presented as generous. The landowners and businessmen are blamed for upholding a system that keeps the poor families in poverty. The people in power kept prices controlled in order to increase profits. The employers created extreme competition for good-paying jobs in order to keep wages low.

The majority of people already living in the western states felt fear and anxiety as these hordes of people came looking for assistance and opportunities.

Every now and then Steinbeck describes the acts of kindness offered by ordinary people seeing the needs of others and feeling empathy. Acts of grace.

Point: There is something beyond ethical behavior. It is called grace.

There is an unfamiliar line in Battle Hymn of the Republic which states that to the extent that you fight slavery and its proponents, “so with you My grace shall deal.”

Independent Distribution and Immigration
In the United States we all see the spiraling immigration problem. Countless people are streaming across our borders. It will require the strength and wisdom of political leaders and other decision-makers to resolve the myriad issues involved with immigration. It is massively beyond anything we can address here.

However, the reality cannot be escaped that millions of migrating people are living within our borders, and they, like Steinbeck’s “Okies,” have traveled hard roads and are seeking to find work, settle into communities, and raise families. They are a challenge wherever they settle, but tensions, anxieties and fear ought not to preclude independent life insurance distribution from addressing the needs for our products that these newcomers have.

Let’s return to the words of Ms. Jessica Chew Cheng Lian.

  • Something that runs deeper than rulebooks
  • Something not easy to put your finger on
  • The human element in everyday decisions

Deeper than Rulebooks
According to the ACLI: “Life insurers provide jobs, protect American families, and invest in the economy. 90 million American families count on life insurers’ products for protection, long term savings, and a guarantee of lifetime income when it’s time to retire. Given today’s economic uncertainties, the financial and retirement security these products provide has never been more important.”10

In 2022 Forbes Advisor conducted a survey on life insurance.11 It includes some interesting findings:

  • Fewer than half of people without life insurance surveyed in this study say they feel financially secure.
  • 44 percent of American households would encounter significant financial difficulties within half a year if they lost the primary wage earner in the family, and 28 percent would reach this point in only a month.
  • 106 million American documented and naturalized adults do not believe they have adequate life insurance coverage, according to the 2022 Insurance Barometer Study conducted by LIMRA and Life Happens.12

Imagine what the statistics would be for the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States. They also have to worry about taking care of their families after their deaths.

Immigrants have the same needs for life insurance as U.S. citizens:

  • Income replacement
  • College funding for dependents
  • Debt cancellation

(Note: Purchasing life insurance is not illegal for an undocumented immigrant.)

Point: Undocumented persons are as much in need, if not more so, for the products offered by the life insurance industry.

Something Not Easy to Put Your Finger On
But can they actually acquire coverage? Are they excluded by the rulebooks?

Without proper paperwork and documentation, just about everything an undocumented immigrant does in the United States will be more difficult.

Life insurance offers many benefits to immigrant policy owners and their beneficiaries regardless of their citizen status. Life insurance rates are not impacted by immigration status. However, finding life insurance is not easy for people who are not U.S. citizens. Citizenship status will influence which life insurance companies will be able to provide coverage and what further information is required to acquire a policy.

Undocumented immigrants living in the United States do not have Social Security numbers. They do not have U.S. citizenship. How, then, can they apply for life insurance?
(Note: People entering the United States illegally, with no documentation whatsoever, are not able to get life insurance.)

Undocumented immigrants can use a tax identification number (ITIN) to apply for life insurance policies. (With numerous carriers.) An ITIN is issued by the IRS. With it, immigrants can open a bank account, file taxes, and purchase life insurance. An ITIN is not contingent upon citizenship, and life insurance companies normally do not ask any questions about a proposed insured’s immigration status. The ITIN is not an indication that a person is an undocumented immigrant. Many foreign nationals and other legal, non-U.S. residents utilize an ITIN. Using their ITINs, life insurance companies will search the immigrant’s medical history and review their background for criminal activity.

These are extremely useful documents for immigrants applying for life insurance:

  • A valid driver’s license
  • Documentation of the last-seen doctor visit
  • Employment history and paycheck records
  • A current, valid passport from the home country
  • Other requirements:
  • Must reside in the United States and provide an address
  • Have a U.S. bank account

Life insurance company underwriters consider and approve undocumented immigrants based on:

  • MIB
  • Driving records
  • Prescription drug history
  • Health history
  • Working status
  • Lifestyle situations such as credit history
  • Insurable need

While Federal law protects life insurance beneficiaries, and undocumented immigrants can receive death benefits from life insurance policies regardless of immigration status, certain government agencies may intervene due to immigration status.

Point: With special attention given to non-citizen status, immigrant persons can qualify for life insurance policies with some documentation.

The Human Element in Everyday Decisions
Undocumented immigrants are especially at risk if a spouse or partner dies unexpectedly. Typically, very few extended family members live nearby to help the deceased’s immediate family.

In addition, because they are just getting started in the United States, they generally do not have adequate financial reserves should an emergency happen.

Most immigrants are willing and able to pay one or two dollars per day for life insurance to help their surviving family and loved ones should they die. Life insurance is an important financial safety net for both U.S. citizens and immigrants to the United States.

Question: As an independent financial professional, are you open to helping people (who are technically illegal immigrants) in their pursuit to provide their families and loved ones with financial security through life insurance?


  • How can you broaden your activities and offerings to attract and serve the immigrant population?
  • Are your services discoverable by immigrant people living within your same geographic area?
  • Are you willing to expand your marketing to cross language barriers and socio-economic differences?
  • How can you enhance your networks by working cooperatively with agencies serving immigrants, with English as a second language services, and other organizations aligned with the concern for the present and future of these recently arrived families?
  • What can you do to tailor your processes so that you serve this imperiled population?

Even children who came across America’s southern border illegally hope for Santa to find them. Santa is no respecter of borders. Nor does he inspect citizenship documentation.

Can we as an industry rise above politics, cross cultural barriers, and do what only we can do—provide financial security needed to anticipate the unexpected occurrences of death and disability?

Steinbeck: “Man, unlike any other thing organic or inorganic in the universe, grows beyond his work, walks up the stairs of his concepts, and emerges ahead of his accomplishments.”13
With grace as our motivation, let us walk up the stairs of the concepts that make our industry great!


  1. https://www.bnm.gov.my/-/announcement-on-the-formation-of-the-financial-services-professional-board-and-the-appointment-of-its-chairman-and-board-members.
  2. https://www.bis.org/review/r180613c.htm.
  3. https://www.maybank.com/iwov-resources/corporate_new/document/my/en/pdf/FSPB_Code_of_Ethics_PartA_B.pdf.
  4. Ibid.
  5. Ibid.
  6. Ibid.
  7. Ibid.
  8. https://www.arts.gov/stories/blog/2020/ten-things-you-might-not-know-about-grapes-wrath.
  9. “The Grapes of Wrath.” John Steinbeck, The Viking Press-James Lloyd, April 14, 1939.
  10. https://www.acli.com/About-ACLI/Learn-More-About-the-Life-Insurance-Industry.
  11. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/life-insurance/life-insurance-statistics/.
  12. Life Happens: 2022 Insurance Barometer Study.
  13. “The Grapes of Wrath.” John Steinbeck, The Viking Press-James Lloyd, April 14, 1939.