Thursday, May 2, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Pete Caneer

Pete Caneer

Pete Caneer has helped agents and brokers provide life insurance solutions to clients for 47 years, specializing in working with property and casualty agents. He co-founded and operated a large successful life brokerage in Southern California and has managed the Carrol & Associates Eastern WA marketing office since 1996. He has been a speaker at many industry events in the U.S. and several other countries. Caneer has been an outside consultant to several insurers and banks over the years, especially helping agents with larger impaired risk cases, and he actively supports insurers who provide life products with living benefits. He has enjoyed being a Regent for the Educational Academies of two national brokerage groups over the last 20 years. Caneer can be reached at Carrol & Associates Inc., 2024 Park Lane South, Spokane, WA 99203. Telephone 509-701-8441. Email:

Legacy Planning Is Always About Love

Except that sometimes, maybe, it’s not. Sometimes it gets more complicated.

Generally, parents and grandparents who have managed to accumulate some security and wealth, and who are close to family members, have a plan for those hard-earned assets that includes their kids and grandkids—sometimes charities, too. And nearly always the family traditions, the stories, and the heritage are even more important than the material assets left behind. Especially in the last 140 years, families still have lingering memories of living through hard times—like for German families in Serbia in WWII, like in the South after the Civil War, or for families struggling during the 1930s depression. Some family members will be more empathetic and interested than others when it comes to family heritage of course. And this is doubly true when it comes to the grandkids who may really not care that much.

Most folks do want their kids to share equally in their estate at their deaths—even with all the blended families we now have. And, while many are very close to their grandkids, some grandparents are actually estranged from theirs. And for some grandkids, the feeling is mutual. All grandkids aren’t necessarily always chips off the old family block—and sometimes not really stellar citizens either. Maybe they’re really not bad kids but their whole life’s focus is on supporting the rebels in Balookistan (where, they think, your money could really come in handy).

So, in planning for asset distribution, the goal is to make enjoyment of your assets possible for all of your children, but perhaps it’s also to prevent the enjoyment of those hard-earned assets by some of the kids or grandkids that you really don’t even know that well or care about. How to do that is the question.

One way could be to use life insurance and annuity products—sometimes in conjunction with a trust. It often will depend on what the assets look like. Some things haven’t changed. Where a particular asset like your family home or the lake place could be prized by one or two kids, those assets and the expenses that come with them are not desired at all by the others. So, assets can be distributed considering family traditions in addition to division along the lines of “equitable” economic value.

Often most or all of your assets like real estate would be sold off and the money distributed in cash. Or sometimes investment assets or income property with large capital gains might be appropriate for particular kids and not for others.

Of course we all know that families can often easily use life insurance as a compensating asset for some family members who weren’t ideal choices to leave the family business or the lake place to. Last survivor life insurance can be great for this since the cost for leaving one guaranteed income tax free dollar is very inexpensive. For a fairly healthy male and female grandparent couple, they could do it for about one percent of the policy face amount per year. They’d have to live a hundred years to break even on that deal.

In any event, once decisions have been made as far as your children’s inheritances are concerned, what are the consequences if a particular child were to then later die? The answer is that their family is going to get your assets. Is that OK? Or not?

In many cases, once your estate is liquid you might create and fund a trust for that child you love. Since you really don’t know or communicate much with their spouse or their kids at all, the trust could provide a monthly income to that child for his or her lifetime or for period certain—like ten years. (That configuration would, of course, depend on your child’s current age and his or her health—and how old he or she is likely to be at your death. It’s a guess but you have to start somewhere.)

The income from the trust would ensure that your son or daughter is going to have a more enjoyable and secure life—along with some memories of dad and mom each month for years to come. But, you also have the ability to direct the inheritance in a new direction should that child not live to the end of the term period you set up. So if your son or daughter had a 10 year guaranteed payout but died in six years, the trust could then redirect money for the remaining years to your church or the Humane Society instead of to his or her family. The grandkids can go to work and maybe then appreciate you more… And, again, a (last survivor) life policy or an annuity could be an ideal funding tool to guarantee money to the trust for your payout plan.

With advice from your own estate planning attorney, you might arrange the same result with an immediate (income) annuity without using a trust—with some special attention to the contingent beneficiaries.

Existing annuities could have endorsements for the contingent beneficiaries—and if assets were turned into cash your executors could be instructed that one child’s distribution share would only be available if he agreed to do it through the new SPIA in which he would be annuitant and annuitize immediately with the restrictive endorsement (no surrender or changes)—and he’d have to agree to the terms of it or he just wouldn’t get any of it. He’d have to agree that, at his death, any remaining payout would go to your local Humane Society. Irrevocable. Period. Or else.

Sounds draconian, and again, a trust set up after your death to spell it out might be better, especially if your insurance company couldn’t provide the documents and administration. Your executors would just need the instructions. As to an arrangement where your child would not own the annuity, it would require a trust to hold the annuity for them where you would direct the terms of the trust.

If you re-directed the remainder of the income years (should the child not live to receive all the money) it might be preferable not to redistribute it to the other children or grandchildren since it could cause additional family discord. A charity might be preferable.

You really aren’t heartless in doing this type of planning. After all, it’s your money and you want it to always do good things.

Estate Planning For Life Partners


Estate planning is important for married couples–but it could be arguably even more necessary for couples that live together but are not yet legally married. Without an estate plan unmarried couples may not be able to make end-of-life decisions or inherit from each other. And life insurance could be more important than ever, especially with living benefits included in it.

Estate planning serves two main functions: Who gets your assets when you die, and determining who can make decisions for you if you become incapacitated. There are laws in place to protect legally married spouses where couples have failed to plan–by governing the distribution of property in the event of incapacity and/or death. If you don’t have a will, property will pass to your spouse and children, or to parents if you die without a spouse or children. But there are fewer laws in place to protect unmarried partners. Without a solid estate plan, your partner may be shut out of the decision making and the inheritance. Here are some essential estate planning tips that can help unmarried couples:

Joint Ownership. One way to make sure property passes to an unmarried partner is to own the property (often real estate) jointly, with right of survivorship. If one joint tenant dies, his or her interest immediately ceases to exist and the remaining joint tenants own the entire property. This also avoids probate. It’s pretty common to see joint ownership.

Beneficiary Designations. Beneficiary designations should be reviewed on everything. On bank accounts, IRA and retirement funds, and life insurance to make sure your partner is named as the beneficiary (if that is what you want). An astounding number of life policies don’t have contingent beneficiaries. Review the coverage. Your partner will not have access to any of those accounts without a specific beneficiary designation. Of course, many couples may have children by prior marriages so they may want to make sure their kids get something when they die, and not inadvertently disinherit their children if they left everything to the partner who then might leave it all instead to their kids. Life insurance can be a “compensating asset” and can make sure everyone gets what’s intended, quickly and income tax free as well.

Life Insurance. Life insurance payable to the life partner might save the day, especially if the partners are nearing retirement age and not married with the eligibility to receive survivor social security benefits if one died. An amount equal to at least the present value of a deceased SS benefit for ten years might cushion the blow and enable the survivor to stay in his/her world and hold onto assets that were treasured by both partners.

It could also (as mentioned) ensure that kids from prior marriages would inherit something rather than nothing from dad and/or mom at the death of the first partner to die.

In many relationships there are both separate and jointly held property. The first property to be liquidated in tough economic times (like for extended medical care) is probably going to be jointly held and not separate or inherited property. This is reality. It might be income producing–like rental property. A real shame to have to sell it. What if the property of the healthy partner is the only thing left to help care for the partner with dementia? This could be the property with lots of accumulated taxable gain if sold–and also the property with lots of sentimental value. Selling it could be tough.

But life insurance with accelerated death benefits for everything from dementia to strokes, from cancer to heart attacks and Lou Gehrig’s disease, (tax free) might save the day. If the life insurance included living benefits it could lessen the shock of critical or chronic (long term care) type medical issues. The healthy partner could really go through hell dealing with the trouble and expense of either contingency. Unfortunately, it does happen and families can fall apart from it.

Always include these benefits in both term or permanent coverage where possible. It usually doesn’t cost a lot more, if anything, to include it. Of course only a few good companies actually offer it. It could pay out 16 ways tax free even if you didn’t die. Especially include it in your recommendations for sales on clients in their 50s or 60s where this life insurance purchase could be their last–and where they do not own any long term care coverage. It’s a retirement asset protection tool. If you are also an investment advisor, it can also keep assets under management intact.

Your Will. Your will says who will get your property after your death. However, it’s increasingly irrelevant for this purpose as most property passes outside of probate through joint ownership, beneficiary designations, and trusts.

Yet your will is still important for two other reasons. If you still have minor children, or a handicapped child, it permits you to name their guardians in the event you are not there to continue your parental role. It also allows you to pick your personal representative (also called an executor or executrix) to take care of everything having to do with your estate, including distributing your possessions, paying your final bills, filing your final tax return, and closing out your accounts. It’s best that you choose who serves in this role and not rely on the courts for it.

Your Durable Power of Attorney. Your attorney prepares this so other people can act for you on financial and legal matters in the event of your incapacity. Without it, if you become disabled or even unable to manage your affairs for a period of time, your finances could become disordered and your bills not paid and this could place a greater burden on your partner. Your partner might have to go to court to seek the appointment of a conservator, which takes time and money, all of which can be avoided.

A separate document, Durable Power for Healthcare, is also advisable which allows others to make important medical decisions for you if you cannot–things like end-of-life planning which conforms to your wishes. Without it, children and your life partner could have battles over end-of-life decisions which could rip your family apart. The policyowner on a life policy with living benefits is the person who files any claim for them. If you were incapacitated with a stroke, for example, you’d want to make sure your life partner could step in and file that claim if you couldn’t do it. Make sure your client’s other advisors, attorney and accountant, know they have living benefits on his life insurance. As a financial advisor, offering information to clients’ advisors is a great way to earn and deserve referrals.

Don’t ignore your clients who are partners but not legally married. Even if you have religious reservations about their lifestyles, many have been in stable committed relationships for decades, many are pretty affluent, and they take care of business just like everyone else does. They need help too, and will appreciate your understanding and your good advice.